Part 18

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**Perth's POV**

Tong: "Are you excited?"

Perth: Feeling confused I look up at him as he was doing some paper work for his most recent patient. "Excited about what?"

Tong: He starts to laugh. "Excited about Saint coming back to work today so you aren't stuck with taking care of his patients anymore? Seriously I don't understand how you guys became so close after not being able to stand each other."

Perth: Feeling a little uncomfortable I just shrug my shoulders as I continue to stare into my coffee. "I don't know, what happened kind of just pushed us together I guess. Now I'm helping him do research to help take his mind off of things like you use to do to help me."

Tong: "it's just weird thinking about my elder brother getting help with something, I've never seen him act this way before."

Perth: "Never?"

He just shakes his head as he goes silent to continue his paper work.

It was hard keeping a straight face Infront of Tong, I almost felt guilty spending so much time with saint lately and we aren't even doing anything. He just makes me feel good in multiple ways. I feel calm when I'm around him now, it's easier to laugh and I can share all of my thoughts with him like I know he wont betray me or something.

There were a few moments when I had thought of wanting more from him but I brushed those off as feelings of lust because I haven't had sex in such a long time.

I mean the man was hot as hell and anyone would have to be blind to not notice.

So that's all it was, just lust.

But a deep dark part of me was saying, if it was just lust for not having sex in such a long time then why haven't I felt it with Tong yet?

Downing the rest of my coffee in one go, I get up and throw it away as Tong turns around in his seat.

Tong: "You heading out?"

Perth: I just give him a smile as I walk in the direction of the door. "Yea, I want to go check up on Mila real quick before the hospital gets busy again, I'll be back soo..."

Saint: Right when I had turn the corner after opening the door I had run into Saint and I felt my lips brush against his cheek before he holds me steady by the arms so I don't fall over. "Are you okay?"

Perth: Feeling even more uneasy than I was before. "Y-your b-back?!?"

Saint: He chuckles softly before rubbing my arms and then dropping his hands to shove them in his pockets as he stares at the floor with his cheeks all red. "Yea Dr. Tan said I could come back a little early so I wanted to surprise you guys but you beat me to it."

Perth: Looking at everything but him for some reason. "Oh..." Not wanting to feel the awkwardness anymore I wave at him before turning in the opposite direction. "See you later."

Saint: He calls after me as I head for the elevator. "SEE YOU TONIGHT."

His words sent shivers up my spine.

I didn't know why but as I was stepping into the elevator I started to remember the day after his accident when I woke up on my couch laying on his chest.

Why did he have to stay at my house and not just go home once the movie was over.

It keeps driving me insane!!

Letting out a frustrated sigh I step off of the elevator as I head over to Mila's room. As I was walking in I could see that her mom was passed out on the side of her bed. I made my way over to the machines she was hooked up to and checked her vitals.

Conflicted Hearts - RA Sequel (completed) 18+Where stories live. Discover now