Part 36

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**Gulf's POV**

I had just finished telling him everything that had been going on the last few months and he stood there looking shocked for what seemed like forever until he holds up a hand to me and pulls out his phone.

Mew: He dials a number and then puts it on speaker before holding It in place so we could all hear. "Hello?"

Perth: "You have 3 seconds to tell me why Gulf just called me crying."

I was about to tell him that this wasn't necessary when he holds up a finger for me to wait.

Mew: I could hear him sighing on the other side of the phone. "How much did he tell you?"

Perth: "whatever amount he knows, the story doesn't add up so I'm calling you to get it straight. What are you keeping from him?"

I wanted to tell him that there couldn't be anything he was keeping from me but he holds his finger up again.

Mew: "..."

Perth: "Mew, don't make me get upset. What the fuck is going on?"

Mew: "He told you who Max is right?"

Perth: "Yea I heard about him, what about him?"

Mew: "Well let's just say he was a lot smarter than we had given him credit. He made two video's instead of one."

Two videos?

What the fuck is he talking about, I wanted to grab the phone from Perth but he clasps a hand against my mouth with a glare.

Perth: "What do you mean?"

Mew: "I doubt you saw the first video since it was a local news station that he had shared it to but basically he put his filthy hands on Gulf after drugging him like a fucking asshole that he is. Then he..."

Perth: "He what?"

Mew: "... I need you to promise me something first."

Perth: What is it?"

Mew: "I need you to promise that you won't tell Gulf, I don't plan on ever sharing this with him even if it makes him leave me because I left him to protect him. I don't want him to suffer any more than he already has."

He looks at me and I could see that he was waiting for me to approve even though my head was spinning while trying to figure out what he was saying.

Perth: With no turning back I nod my head and he lets out a deep sigh. "I promise I won't tell Gulf. What happened?"

Mew: "..." I could hear his frustration from all the way over here. "Max is such a fucking disgusting asshole that has no shame, he couldn't just be satisfied with touching him without his consent. He had to... He..."

Perth: "What did he do Mew?..."

Mew: Barely a whisper over the phone. "He raped him..." I could hear him crying on the other side of the phone as everything snaps into place and I lose feeling in my body as I collapse against the floor with Mew's voice continuing to talk. "He didn't even do it once, he did it three times Perth, he also took advantage of the fact that Gulf was already a little loose from when we have sex so it's not like he would have felt anything when he woke up from the drugs. He held him down against the couch and fucked him like it was the most normal thing in the world. The most disgusting part is that he actually came in him and then took the time to clean him up so he wouldn't notice." I could feel my dinner from the night before as I hurl against the closest tree to me and try to calm my breathing. "I wanted to kill him Perth... Hitting him until he collapsed at that café wasn't enough for me, I wanted to ruin him like he destroyed Gulf. He gave me three fucking days to say goodbye to Gulf or he was going to send that clip everywhere, not just in our home town. I tried everything I could in the three days that I was given to leave him but I couldn't find anything. I didn't want to leave him Perth." I could hear him sobbing even harder on the other side of the phone and it was ripping me apart. I wanted to tell him to stop speaking but I knew that Perth didn't want him to know I was here. I had asked for this... "I sat at the edge of the bed while he slept and I wanted to stay, but I didn't want him to become a mess. So I made the choice that I knew he would have never been able to except and I left. The only reason I'm doing okay right now is because I have him back in my life but he's treating me like I'm a stranger Perth. I spent an entire month hating myself for having to let him go and forcing myself to eat just so he wouldn't scold me about losing weight and he barely looks at me..."

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