Part 7

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**Saint's POV**

Mom: She gives me a hug as soon as I walk into the house and then smiles behind me at my girlfriend Moon. "Moon!! I'm so happy you could make it!"

Moon: She smiles at my mom and gives her a hug before handing her the present that had taken us hours to find last night. "Happy birthday mom, has it been a good day so far?"

So Moon and I have been dating for 7 years and at this points my mom sees her as her daughter in law but my father does not think the same way. The first time he met Moon he chased her out the house and then stopped threatening her after 3 years. Now he doesn't even acknowledge that she exists anymore. The stupid thing is that Moon's parents refuse to give me there blessing unless my parents do and I only have one parent on board so I'm kind of in this limbo the past 4 years.

Mom: She pulls our hands toward the backyard where the party was being held. "Everything is going well so far, Tong should be here soon with his boyfriend. I can't wait to meet them."

Moon: She stops smiling and stops in her tracks before tugging her arm away. "Has father learned about Tong's boyfriend yet?"

Mom: I guess my mom didn't see the warning in her words cause she just smiles and nods. "Yea I just got off the phone with him about an hour ago. He says that he wants to fly home next weekend to meet him. He sounded excited."

Moon: She turns on me looking pissed which I have never seen before. "Am I a joke to your family?"

Mom: She tries to hold Moon's hand but she yanks it away. "Oh honey don't take it personally, the young man Tong is bringing home is a really famous ER surgeon. Dad's just happy that Tong was able to find someone so successful."

Saint: I suck in a breath trying to stop my mom from saying anymore because everything she was saying was not. "Mom..."

Moon: Tilting her head looking offended. "Am I not successful? I own a multimillion dollar company."

Mom: "Well honey you don't actually own it. It's your fathers company and after your father it will be your brothers. You don't actually do anything..."

I wanted to hide somewhere far away from this conversation but Moon had one hand gripping my wrist with her nails digging in so I was stuck here. It was a little scary because I had never seen her act this way before. She seemed like a completely different person.

Moon: She rolls her eyes and glares at my mom. "Do you actually think Saints father will ever except me as his daughter in law."

Mom: Not having a fucking care in the world. "Well if I have to be honest with you honey, he says you're a gold digger disguised as a good girl and he has no plans of excepting you unless you actually got your hands dirty by getting a job."

I can't believe my mom just called her a gold digger...

I mean she can't be, we only go shopping once a week and she never asks over 5k in allowance.

Isn't that normal?

Saint: I needed to stop this, it was not the place or time for any of this. "Mom!"

Mom: She turns toward me with a warm smile like she had no idea what she was doing. "What?"

Moon: I really face palmed myself when moon smiles at my mom and asks. "If I got a job for like a week, then he'll except me and we can get married right?"

Mom: "No then you would have to write a prenup and discuss finances and many other steps."

Moon: "But I'd be his wife, don't I get half of whatever is his?"

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