Part 9

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**Mew's POV**

Steve: He slides a document on my desk while I was looking up good locations for our latest project. "Here sign this and then you can go home."

Mew: I look up at him feeling slightly guilty that I had asked to get out early when we just got hit with another project. "I don't have to, we just got a contract with an airline. I would feel bad if I left it all to you guys."

Steve: He taps the document Infront of me before sitting on the edge of my desk. "For today only, I just need you to sign these and then were good to go. Getting off 3 hours early won't make much difference. Go make up with your husband."

Mew: With a sigh I sign the papers and then look out the window. "Thank you... I feel like he's upset with me lately and the only thing I can think about that could be the cause of it, is that I work too much. He's all jumpy, quiet and he hasn't been sleeping so he resorts to drinking 3 to 6 cups of coffee a day and then crashes during random times of the day."

Steve: "You know if you want to you can take some time off and only be on call for the things that we absolutely need you for. Half the things you do here isn't even your responsibility. You're the boss."

Mew: "I like things being fair, so I help out whenever I can."

Steve: "Well the staff and I agree that you don't need to be here right now. Go home and make up with Gulf, you guys are about to have a child coming into the family. Trust me, we are all doing you a favor. Go home."

Mew: "Are you sure?"

Steve: He hops off the desk and wipes his pants. "Positive. I'll see you next week Boss."

Feeling over powered by my own employees I reluctantly begin to pack my briefcase and turn off my computer. I know he's right and this is a good opportunity to fix whatever I can before things become even more hectic but I feel guilty. My father never cared for any of his workers and I just don't want to miss treat them or abuse my power.

As I was heading into the elevator I looked down at my phone to check the time. It was around 1 right now so he was probably going to be home before I get there.

Not wanting to go empty handed I stop by the café that was by the exit in the building and get him a brownie before leaving for my car. I've been doing this a lot lately, I feel bad going home empty handed when I work overtime so our fridge is usually full of fast food or sweets.

Thankfully the drive home wasn't that bad, it usually took me around 25 to 30 minutes to get to work.

I was home in 20.

Feeling excited now I start to pull off my button downed dress shirt and just wear my black tank top with my dress pants. Leaving my coat and shirt in the car, I also leave my briefcase in there and then get out to head inside with my peace offering.

I'm going to fix this!

Mew: Taking a deep breath I push open the front door and set my keys on the side table before closing the door behind me. "GULF I'M HOME."

No answer.

Thinking that maybe he had fallen asleep again I walk to the bedroom chuckling to myself.

He's such a sleepy head.

As I push open the door and poke my head in I could see that the room was how I had left it this morning before I had left.

Where is he?

Mew: I start to walk around the house. "Gulf?"

I was about to head outside when my phone vibrates.

Gulf: "Hey Mew I ended up having to tutor one of my students, she's almost done thoug I shoudl be hom son<"


Feeling confused with his weird looking message I grab my keys off the side table and get back in my car to head to the school.

I don't know if  he was just typing really quickly but I had a bad feeling about this.

Thankfully I knew where his class room was because all the staff threw an event about a year ago and spouses were invited. There was also a parking sticker on my car for the school because he sometimes drives mine when his is acting up. I prefer taking a cab than having him take one.

The school was practically empty by the time I got there and I rushed out as soon as the car was parked. I cringed a tiny bit when the door slammed but I didn't care. There was some loud yelling from the field on the other side of the school but that must have been for the sports event Gulf had mentioned this morning.

Mew: Rounding the corner to his room I could feel my heart pounding as I grab the handle and slide his door open. "Gulf are you okay?"

I couldn't help but laugh a tiny bit at what I saw. 

He was currently passed on the couch by his desk. Whatever it is that's bothering him, I need to fix it soon because falling asleep here is dangerous. 

So much for making funny of me for falling asleep at work huh? 


I let him rest as I go over to his desk to pack his things up. 

Next to his papers was a cup with a really weird colored residue in it. Bringing it up to my nose cause I was curious to what it was I tried to smell it but the only thing I could smell at first was coffee until the familiar smell of sweetness made my eyes water a tiny bit.

That's when my heart fell and I glanced over at Gulf feeling even more guilty.

Has he been taking sedatives to make himself fall asleep?

The familiar scent was something my father used to like to give to people when he would bring them to the house so they wouldn't know where we lived. It was the same stuff he used on Gun when he made us kill Mild.

Trying to hold back tears I pull his backpack onto my back and then walk over to him to pull him into my arms.

Mew: "Why couldn't you just talk to me about not being home enough..."

My thoughts were moving a million miles an hour as I drove us home with him passed out in the back seat.

That explained why his message was so weird looking. 

I could feel my hands tightening around the steering wheel as new thoughts formed. Is this what he took yesterday when he finished working on the nursery and all of the other times he's passed out the last month?

I smacked the steering wheel feeling pissed at myself for not taking this more seriously from the beginning.

I'm so stupid.

Once I brought him inside and laid him on the bed I pulled off his clothes except for his boxers before pulling the covers over him. 

As soon as I thought he was comfortable I started to became paranoid and searched everywhere I could think of for that drug. 

I went through his pants, the bathroom/kitchen cabinets, I looked around the coffee machine and in his dresser but I couldn't find anything and it was making me more frustrated with each passing minute.

Mew: "Where the fuck is it?"

Feeling like such a shitty husband I collapse onto the couch once I had given up and hold my head in my hands as I silently begin to cry.

How am I supposed to fix this?

I'm sorry I wasn't able to be home more often and take proper care of you.

I'm sorry for causing you so much pain.

I'm sorry Gulf...

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