Part 29

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**Mew's POV**

I am sooo tired.

Last night when we had thought the pizza was here it was actually Ms. Lee herself standing at the door. I guess our newsletter worked way easier than we had thought it would. She said that she didn't think that Max would do something so degrading but she had no choice.

So we spent the entire night talking about how she needed the money for her mom's hospital bills and how she did everything she did because she didn't want her mom to die. Which was pretty easy enough because all I had to do is tell her that I would pay for her mom's bills and buy their house for them so they wouldn't get kicked out and she spilled everything.

She said that she would even testify if I wanted her too.

Surprisingly she knew a lot about Max too.

What I had found out was that the reason we couldn't find out anything about him was because his dad owned a multimillion dollar company and he was able to pay people to make him not exist. The good thing about all this is that his dad's company is actually the partnered company that we had just finished finalizing. The one where the new worker had messed up the paper work and I had to go back to work early.

Yea it's that guy.

So I did the insane thing of calling him at midnight and telling him about what his son had done and sent him all the messages Max had sent me with his threats and the lab results from the coffee cup that had his and Lee's finger prints on it.

Let's just say that he was not very happy with Max and told me that he would make sure his son was punished for what he had done. I had warned him about the second clip that Max was trying to send out and he told me that if he did than he would disown his son and cut him off financially.

Once that phone call was over I had felt more relief than I had in a long time and it was slowly feeling like I was getting back to where I use to be but I still needed to take care of this girl.

By the time the matter with Max's father was all over it was almost 2 in the morning so I told Lee to go home and then come back once she got some rest.

I intended on sleeping but I just couldn't get my brain to shut down so Steve and I just stayed up talking about my next move.

We agreed that letting Max's dad take care of that situation was my best bet even if I did want to beat that kid into next week but getting Gulf to forgive me for leaving was going to be harder than I want to admit. So we figured the best thing for me to do is go home and take whatever he throws at me like a man until he gives in.

Thankfully Lee wasn't really able to sleep that well either with all of her thoughts of her mother because she showed back up at the house around 7:30 ish.

It took hours for me to talk on the phone to ever single doctor that her mom has seen in the last 3 years and then wire my account numbers to 6 different hospitals to make sure that her mom's medical bills would be taken care of in full. I even told them that if they ever needed to give her mom anymore procedures they can get the transaction from this account from now on.

Next I had to call her home owner and pay off the rest of their mortgage on the house and by the time I was all done I was officially half a million short in funds. Who knew anyone could be this in dept...

I could see that this girl was actually very humble that made bad decisions and I felt a little bad for her.

By the time we were done it was around 2 in the afternoon, she grabs all of the document paper work we had to print out before signing and then leaving.

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