Part 21

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**Mew's POV**

Not really knowing what to feel I watch as he walks up the stairs to the front door and disappears into the house.

I just don't think I can say goodbye in person...

I know that I need to end things until I can get Max for all the shit he's put us through but I have no idea how long that will take. We've already spent almost a month trying to find anything we can on this guy ever since he put out the video but we haven't been able to find anything and it makes me feel like I might have to ask my dad for help...

Yes Gulf is going to hate me for leaving right now but it was the best option for him, I can't let him learn the truth about what Max has done to him.

He's not as strong as everyone might think.

With a defeated sigh I begin to bring in everything to the nursery until it was all laying down in front of me.

First thing first, I need to build all of the furniture we bought. My favorite thing to install will be the padded pillow seat swing that you can attach to the ceiling. I can already imagine Gulf sitting in it with the baby while reading. 

Just the thought brought tears to my eyes as I get to work.

Another thing he doesn't need to know is that I made a visit to Mr. Gregory. Yes he was right that Mr. Gregory had seen and heard about the video but I told him about what I had found and how Gulf was set up. To my surprise Mr. Gregory was a much more materialistic person than I had thought. I paid him one-hundred thousand to make sure that no matter what Gulf would have the chance to be a father like he's always wanted.

Even if I'm in the picture or not...


I had completed building all of the furniture and it truly looked like a nursery now with all of the hand painted sunflowers Gulf had done. Taking a deep breath I step back toward the doorway so I could take a picture to remember this for a long time.

I'm going to miss them so much...

Taking a deep breath I start to clean up all of the trash and pieces that were extras that way Gulf wouldn't have to do anything. 

Once everything was clean I couldn't help but grab the little stuffed giraffe in the corner of the crib and fall to my knee's as I let out a choked up sob. I didn't want to wake up Gulf but I couldn't hold in the pain anymore.

I wasn't sure how much time had passed but soon my eyes became dry and puffy as I will myself to stand up and head to the bedroom because I needed to pack.

As I was opening the door I could see that Gulf was passed out between some pillows as he softly snores. Smiling sadly to myself I make my way to the closet and begin to pull all of my clothes out of the closet and dresser drawers and then I grab my things from the bathroom and start to zip up the two suitcases and my backpack with my work stuff before setting it down in the corner.

Wanting to take one last look at Gulf before I left I sit down on the edge of the bed closest to him and rest my hand against his cheek before leaning down to gently kiss his forehead.

Mew: "I'm sorry, I love you."

Gulf: As I was pulling away I could hear him mumbling in his sleep and it sounded like. "Love you."

My heart began to break all over again as I pull my hand from his cheek and wipe my face before standing up to leave.

While walking out of the bedroom I brought my stuff out with me and stopped at the kitchen counter as I sat down and pulled out some paper and a pen.

Conflicted Hearts - RA Sequel (completed) 18+Where stories live. Discover now