Part 28

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**Gulf's POV**

As I was driving home all I could think about was the first message I had gotten from Mew since he left...

Mew: "If you see the news today, I apologize. Steve and I thought it was a good idea to put our divorce out there to see if we can lure that girl out that drugged you. As of right now she is our best bet to put all of this behind us. I'm sorry for hurting you Gulf..."

Gulf: "So you're the one that posted our divorce? Why can't you come home? We were already getting past everything that was happening. We were happy."

Gulf: "I don't care if the whole world brands me as a cheater or a slut, all I need is you. You're the only one I want, come home."

Gulf: "Please respond, I miss you..."

He never text me back after that...

I let out a frustrated sigh just from thinking about it as I roll down my window to allow myself to breath some fresh air. There was still an hour left of this drive and being all alone again was already starting to mess me up.

Why can't he just come home?

I get what he's trying to do. I really do. It just isn't the right way to do it, I wish he would have let us do it together...

Off didn't want me to go home after I saw the news and kind of broke down but I knew I couldn't stay there anymore, I didn't want to impose on their life any more than I already have.

They've only been married for a little over a month so I would like to give them some time to themselves.

I really hope we can figure this out though.

He might have told me to but no matter how much I think about it, I don't want to move on.

No matter how long it takes...


Thankfully the drive home wasn't too bad after I forced myself to stop thinking about everything and started to blast some music to distract myself. Just like the way I had left it, the house looked a little scary from the outside now that I was parked in the driveway.

I wasn't sure what it was but just knowing that there was no one in there to comfort me was making it seem scary even though I knew it wasn't.

The warm feeling I use to get when I would walk in the door and have Mew waiting for me with a cup of coffee or dinner that he was randomly craving, it was all no longer there. No more ridiculously hyper laughing that use to make me laugh too.

It just wasn't a cheer filled place right now, and it really showed...

Using all of my will power I turn off the car and get out as I pop open the trunk.

On the way home I had stopped by the store to get some baby proofing kits and some plugs for the electrical sockets. I knew that the distraction would be a good thing for me. Which is why as soon as I brought all of my luggage inside I automatically started to move things around.

Before I fixed anything I wanted to be able to think without getting sad or upset so I used the first few hours to gather everything I could find that I knew belonged to Mew and put it into a cardboard box before shoving it deep into my closet.

Maybe not being able to see his stuff will help.

I wanted to forget about his message but it just hurt too much to have him only talk to me once, I would have almost preferred it if he had never messaged me to begin with...

Now that everything I looked at didn't remind me of Mew I could actually focus on what I needed to do. I needed to plug the electrical sockets, put stopers on the doors and put corner curves on the edges so they weren't sharp anymore, my least favorite thing to do it going to be figuring out how to put these cabinet and toilet locks on though.

Instructions were never my strong suit for anything.

Which I was right, by the time I had gotten to them my dumb ass had screwed the cabinet locks in backwards and I'm not even sure how that was possible. All I know is that it took me an hour longer to complete all this shit than I had thought because I had to go back and redo 8 cabinets before everything wanted to work the right way.

With a satisfied sigh I plop down onto my butt in the kitchen and just stare at the cabinets feeling accomplished. At this moment it felt like if I could do that then I could do anything and it made me laugh.

I guess I should start job searching tomorrow and figure out what I want to do from now on.

No matter what I'm not going to let Mew pay for everything anymore, even if half of it becomes mine once the divorce is finalized. I'll probably just send it back to him once it's transferred to my bank account.

Maybe the flower shop down the street is hiring?

It would be nice to walk into a room of flowers every day.

With that I grab the side of the kitchen counter and pull myself up before throwing away all of this fucking trash.

Once everything was clean and looked a lot more safe then it us to I head for the bedroom as I pull my shirt over my head. 

I wasn't sure why but as I was heading to the bathroom that's when I got the urge to fuck Mew until he trembled at my touch but I knew that it must just be because I'm upset. I only ever get the verge to fuck him when I'm upset with him or he's in the mood for it.

Why do I have to be horny right now, this is not the time for this!

Feeling frustrated with myself I pull off my pants before heading to the shower where I annoyingly begin to masturbate to the thoughts of making Mew apologize to me while I'm dick deep in him as his eyes roll into the back of his head and he moans my name...

I wanted to hear him beg me for more as I fucked him and holy shit those thoughts definitely did the trick.

Before long I was letting out a small moan as I cum in my hand and then wash it off before continuing my actual shower.

I don't know why I was thinking of him that way right now but I just couldn't help it after being with him for so long. Even if we didn't have sex for months, that wouldn't stop him from touching me whenever he wanted. I use to get embarrassed when he would suck my dick while we watched a movie in our own living room but now I would give anything to just be able to watch a movie with him again.

I didn't even need the physical part, I just wanted him here with me like he use to be.

Now that I was clean again all I wanted to do was sleep even though that is kind of all I've been doing the past month...

With a yawn I turn off the shower water and step out before roughly drying my hair with a towel. It was my house so I didn't give a shit about clothes right now.

The house was so quiet when I exited the bathroom that it was a little unsettling and made me jump when I heard the front door nob jiggling.

Is there someone trying to get into the house right now?

First I stopped drying my hair as I wrap the towel around my waist and then grab the baseball bat out of the side closet as I wait behind the door.

Before thinking I smack the baseball against whoever the fuck it was that was trying to get in my house and then raise it again.

Mew: "Fuckk!"

Gulf: The bat falls out of my fingers as I just stare at a hunched over Mew in pain. Shit... "M-mew?..."

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