Part 16

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**Gulf's POV**

**Two Weeks Later**

Mew: He walks into the bedroom and sits down on the bed to touch my forehead. "How are feeling today?

Gulf: I just grip the blankets around me. "Mmm..."

Mew: He lets out a sigh before checking my tempter. "Well it seems like your fever went away."

I didn't really want to eat or sleep or do anything ever since what happened at work and it had ended up making me sick the past week so whenever Mew gets off of work around 3 he comes in to check on me.

Gulf: "I still feel shitty though."

Mew: He leans down to kiss my forehead. "Don't worry, I'm confident we can dig something up soon. This won't last much longer."

Gulf: That made me sit up and look at him with wonder. "But you guys weren't able to get rid of all the videos like you wanted to. Whoever he paid to put the video's up knew exactly what they were doing and everyone is seeing it..."

Mew: "Where doing the best we can, for now all we can do is delete the copy's that people try to post, so if anyone hears about it they have to go to the source. So were keeping it from spreading."

Gulf: "The school hasn't even sent me any news about my termination yet. I'd rather they get it over with instead making me wait like this."

Mew: He pulls me into his arms with a sad smile as he rubs my head. "I know that working there was your life but we can find you something else, it might not be what you want to hear right now but I also wouldn't mind you staying home when the baby comes."

Gulf: Feeling a little hollow. "The baby..."

Mew: "Yes the baby, remember? Where going to be parents soon and I think it might help you heal if you stay home and love the baby instead of hiring a nanny while you search for a new job."

Gulf: "What makes you think where qualified for the baby anymore? If Mr. Gregory ends up finding out about that video, he's going to pull our names. I don't think we're going to be parents anymore..."

Mew: He looked a little upset as he pushes my chin up to look at him. "Don't say that, I believe that everything is going to work itself out, we just need to give it a little more time."

Gulf: "But it already feels like we lost..."

Mew: "I'm here with you aren't I? Everything is going to be okay as long as we have each other..."

Gulf: Not wanting to see him in pain anymore I just nod my head and stare at the door. "I'll try to stay positive."

Mew: "thank you."

I just nod my head not being able to reply, I know that me being like this brings him pain but I don't know what else to do.

Mew lets out a sigh as he pulls me against him and then gets off the bed to move toward the bathroom.

Gulf: "What's going on?"

Mew: He sets me down on the bathroom sink before turning on the faucet to run a bath. "I'm cleaning you off, have you taken a shower since the last time I had to force you too?" He raises an eyebrow at me as I continue to stay silent. That's what I thought."

I just stare at the floor as he gets everything ready and then walks over to me before pulling the shirt over my head and then pulling me off the sink to get me out of my boxers. Once he was done he undressed himself as I looked away and then pulled me into the tub until I was resting my back against his chest.

I don't know why but I feel ashamed when I look at him, I don't feel like I deserve him...

Mew: He begins to wash my hair with a cup and his hand as he kisses my cheek. "What are you thinking about?"

Gulf: "Everything and nothing at all."

Mew: He begins to chuckle and the sound makes my heart hurt. "That sounds like a mess, your poor brain can't breathe right now."

I just glance at him until he surprises me by getting up out of the water and then sitting Infront of me before pulling my legs on either sides of his. Now my chest was pressed to his as his arms were wrapped around my waist. I could feel his hard member against mine as he lets out a little sigh before resting his forehead against mine.

Mew: "Do you know that you haven't let me be close to you like this since then."

Gulf: My voice was caught in my throat for a second, I knew if he got close to me I wouldn't be able to resist so I haven't given him the chance to be near me. "I was afraid that I would gross you out..."

Mew: He tilts his head looking confused. "Why? I love you and your body. Your sexy as hell and I always want to be intimate with you. I've actually been holding back."

Gulf: "You don't find me gross?"

Mew: He starts to laugh as he pulls me even closer until there was no space at all left between us as he leans down and kisses me softly before pulling away. "You are everything but gross. What happened wasn't your fault and I don't look at you any differently. Your still my very attractive husband that I love to make whimper in the middle of the night."

Gulf: Not being able to believe that he actually just said that, I gently smack his arm. "Mewww."

Mew: He whispers next to my ear. "Don't avoid me anymore okay?"

Gulf: I just buried my head in his shoulder as I feel my face turning red. "Okay..."

Mew: "This is probably a little random but I bought a puzzle yesterday and I was wondering if you would want to help me with it. I figured spending 14 days in our bed was enough, why don't you spend some time in the living room for a while."

Gulf: I scrunch up my nose in thought. "Depends, what is the puzzle about?"

Mew: "It's a library with animals in it, I know you like the challenging ones that have things that look alike so I got the 2,500 piece one."

Gulf: "That's going to take us forever though."

Mew: He just shrugs his shoulders. "All we have right now is time."


We had both cleaned up and dried off after the bath began to grow cold. It was a little warm in the house so all we wanted to wear was our boxers as we sat around the living room table with the puzzle spread out Infront of us.

It felt peaceful as time went on and we laughed at stupid things like we use to.

If he says that everything is okay than maybe I can move forward from this.

As long as he stays by my side I can be strong.

Conflicted Hearts - RA Sequel (completed) 18+Where stories live. Discover now