Part 31

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**Saint's POV**

Tong: "Saint can you hear me?"

Saint: "Mmmm..."

Tong: I could feel something grabbing my hand but I was still trying to process the throbbing pain in my head. "Thank god your awake, you've been passed out for almost 14 hours now."

Saint: Whispering. "W-hat happened and what time is it."

Tong: "It's almost 5 in the morning. You passed out at home and Perth found out about your medical history so he had to do your procedure."

Saint: "He did my operation?..."

Tong: "Yea he was a mess but he still did it, he was surprisingly calm while doing it too but I think that was because he didn't want to mess up."

Saint: "Where is he?"

Tong: "He's right next to you, you just have to open your eyes first."

With an awful lot of strain I open my eyes a tiny bit with a groan. I could see that he was passed out by my bed side with his head resting next to my shoulder.

Saint: "Perth..."

Tong: Sounding sad. "Why didn't you tell us Saint?"

Saint: I move my gaze off of Perth before looking at him. "I didn't want you guys to worry."

Tong: "Well you nearly gave dad a heart attack and mom refuses to sleep or eat anything until she knows you're okay. Why don't you try to get some more rest, I'm going to give them a call to let them know that you're going to be okay."

Saint: "Is there a reason it sounds like you guys didn't think I was going to wake up?"

Tong: He points over at Perth. "All of the doctors that looked after you didn't think you were going to wake up for at least a month because of the extent that your brain was in but as soon as the surgery was done and you were sent here Perth has been sitting by your side talking about random things and telling everyone that you were going to be okay. No one believed him at first but then your vitals started to get better and that's when he became less pale and just started to repeat that you were going to be okay to himself before he ended up passing out."

I was silent as Tong walks out of the room after pulling out his phone and I just stare at Perth's sleeping face with so much love that I wanted to cry but my head hurt too much to really focus a whole lot.

Saint: Whispering with my eyes shut. "I'm sorry for almost being the second one to leave you, I love you..."

If I had to I will convince mom and dad to let us be together, I don't care if they want him to marry Tong.

I won't run away anymore.

He means everything to me...


I hadn't even noticed that I had fallen asleep again until I ended up waking up to Perth no longer being next to me and I began to panic.

Did he find out that I had woken up and then decided that he doesn't want to be with me anymore because of what my parents said?

My head was pounding with pain and thoughts as I try to find my phone before realizing that I really didn't know where anything was since Tong never told me when I had first woken up. It felt like someone was poking a branding iron in my head when my eyes began to water and then the door slides open.

Perth: He was smiling when he looks up to see me awake. "I knew you would wake up..."

Saint: I drop my hands from my head as I give him a weak smile in return as tears run down my cheeks. "Perth..."

Conflicted Hearts - RA Sequel (completed) 18+Where stories live. Discover now