Part 25

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**Mew's POV**

I was so fucking pissed off right now.

When I had heard the news and random people at the grocery store asking me if I was okay. All I could do was just stare at everyone like they were crazy because I was so confused.

How could that information be leaked right now?

Every day and night I have spent looking for some sort of clue or evidence to pile against Max but so far I couldn't find anything. It was almost like he didn't exist and that made me worried.

Yes I haven't been able to sleep much but I have been trying to keep myself healthy at least because I didn't want Gulf to tease me for losing weight when I finally get to go home. If I'm aloud to come home...

Shaking my head I continue to drive back to Steve's house without losing myself.

I told myself I wouldn't let myself feel sad. I had no right to be sad because I chose this and I was going to finish it.

But I swear to god, Steve is a dead man.

I was pulling into the driveway when I get out and rush inside to see him sitting on the couch laughing at some show on the tv.

Mew: Feeling pissed I grab the remote from his hand and throw It to the other side of the room. "What the fuck Steve?!?"

Steve: He holds up his hands in defense as he sees that I was uncontrollably pissed. "Mew hold on a second, okay? I know your pissed but it had to be done."

Mew: "But why right now? We just need a little more time to find something on him."

Steve: He lets out a sigh as he stands up to be eye level with me. "Where you too drunk last night to remember our conversation? All of this was your idea."

Mew: "My idea? How?"

Steve: "You were drinking too much and you started to get this idea to make an article about your divorce and use the surveillance footage from your house to show you leaving with Gulf running after you. You thought it would be a good idea to see if you could lure anyone out with telling the truth by showing how much the news destroyed your relationship."

Mew: Still feeling a little pissed off even though it did sound like something I would say. "Yea but I was drunk, why would you take an idea from a drunk person."

Steve: "Well I was thinking about it and you said that Gulf told you about the girl that put the drug in his drink and how she's been in hiding since the video was released. If we can lure her out, then maybe she can come clean with what really happened."

Mew: Starting to slowly calm down the more his plan was beginning to make sense. "That's kind of a long shot though."

Steve: "It might be but it seems like it's the last chance we've got."

Mew: Feeling drained I sit down on the couch and look down at my feet. "It really is the last chance we've got isn't it? How could we have tried almost everything and not be able to find anything?..."

Steve: He sits down next to me before rubbing my back. "Don't worry, we can get her I promise, we just need to be a little more patient."

Mew: "I really hope she is the key to bringing down Max."

Steve: "So do I, I'm not sure how much more of robot death glare Mew I can take."

Mew: For the first time In weeks I could feel myself beginning to hope. "I'm sorry for chucking your remote..."

Steve: He points behind him as he goes back to watching tv not looking bothered at all. "I'll forgive you if you go get it."

Mew: I couldn't help but chuckle as I stand up and fetch it for him before heading to my room. "Here, I'm going to go take a shower and then we can order some food."

Steve: Yelling over the sound of the tv as I head to my room. "DON'T TAKE FOREVER, THE WATER BILL HAS BEEN STUPID EXPENSIVE SINCE YOU MOVED IN."

Mew: Rolling my eyes to myself before yelling back. "I'M THE ONE PAYING THE WATER BILL."


I was full on laughing to myself now as I close the bathroom door behind me and begin to strip.

With a sigh I throw my clothes into the hamper by the door and just stare at myself in the mirror. I don't think I've lost too much weight. Gulf always liked me having ab's with a little bit of love handles. He thought it was sexy, don't ask me why but he does.

Mew: Smiling into the mirror with sad eyes. "Don't worry Gulf, I'll be home soon. Just wait a little bit longer for me okay?"

Not wanting to be hit with a lot of emotions, I turn around and step into the shower.

As I was washing myself I couldn't help but think about how I had felt every inch of Gulf's skin the last time we had showered together and how he had moaned into the wall while I was pressed into him. How he always feels warm wrapped in my arms so I purposefully keep the water down a few notches so that he doesn't over heat, even if I do be freezing sometimes. I think my favorite thought is how he always snores softly when he's sleeping like he has no cares in the world and it fills my heart.

Mew: Whispering. "I miss you..."

With a deep sigh I continue to wash myself as I ignore the very aching and stiff boner I had going on. I refuse to touch myself until this entire mess is behind us, I can't even really get off by myself anymore anyways. He is the only one that can make me cum now, yea it's a little frustrating but I find it kind of enjoyable at the same time.

I didn't really want to take a long ass shower so I stepped out pretty quickly before turning off the water and wrapping a towel around my waist. Shower's always made me miss Gulf, it's weird taking one by myself at this point.

It was cool because Steve didn't give a shit about me walking around shirtless so I kind of just ended up sitting on the couch in my boxers as I begin to yawn.

Steve: He glances at me before shaking his head with a laugh. "If only other people from our office could see you like this. They wouldn't believe it's the same person."

Mew: I just shrug my shoulders before pulling a blanket around me. "It's a good thing you're the only one I'm truly friends with from the office... Speaking of work, has anyone asked for me yet or wondered why I haven't showed up in a month?"

Steve: "Nope, on the first day I told the staff that you were going through things and needed some time off. Everyone agreed that the best thing was to let you rest as much as possible so you could give it your all when you get back."

Mew: "I keep forgetting how much the staff likes me, it's weird being a liked boss."

Steve: "Just means you're doing something right." He grabs his phone off the table to look at it before setting it back down. "By the way, I ordered our food when you were in the shower."

Mew: "I squint my eyes at him. "If you got chicken again I'm going to make you sleep outside."

Steve: "But it's my house?"

Mew: "Your house, but I've been paying the bills since you moved in a few years ago. Soooo technically it's my house and I say no more chicken, you fart when you eat chicken and it stinks really badly."

Steve: He just sticks his tongue out before heading to the door when he heard the doorbell ring. "Speak of the devil. There's your chickennn." He starts to shout from the doorway. "YOU LOVE ME TOO MUCH TO KICK ME OUT."

I couldn't help but laugh as I head for the kitchen table with the blanket wrapped around me.

He's trying to gas me out of his house I swear.

I'm really glad I have a friend like him right now, I don't know where I would be if I had to go through this alone...

Conflicted Hearts - RA Sequel (completed) 18+Where stories live. Discover now