Snow: Kuroko

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It's so fucking cold here I want to die and I'm already am.

  Why was I not blessed with resistance to the frost? I'm fucking dying right now. I have 10 blankets on me and 20 pillows on me and that's pretty much the minimum I need. Also being cuddled by Shiromi. Okay, maybe I'm exaggerating, but you get the idea.

How the hell is Brandon able to survive this shit? He even rubs it in my face by exercising outside. Shirtless. And in shorts. Sometimes when it's snowing, in which today, it is. I think he even did that when there was a blizzard at some point. You ice types have a tanky immune system, eh? Then again, he has drank liquid nitrogen before soooo... but don't a lot of ice types do that though?

  I know it just has to do with the fact that as Zekrom, being part electric does not make me resistant to ice, but why us out of all things? Why can't I just enjoy the snow without the fear of frostbite? Why? Why you do this to me original dragon?

  I'm quite surprised I haven't been severely crippled by any disease yet. Might have to do with the fact that electric types tends to drink some battery acid at some point. I did that one time and my stomach was in pain for an hour unlike Kuro. Yes, Kuromi felt the pain too. It was delicious though. The texture is like Sprite though. 7.8/10, too much tingly.

  I've seen Reshiram drink petroleum before. It was a weird thing to look at. They said that it was alcohol to fire types but at a much higher concentration. That probably explained why Shiroshi was bitching about a headache shortly after doing that.

He wanted to take a bath after doing that, but he was impractically drunk as hell so I had to drag him to the guest room and hope he's capable of going to the bathroom himself. I just threw him on the bed and hoped Shiroshi got the idea. He took a nap anyway.

I drag your ass from Kyurem's kitchen all the way to the mf'ing guest room and you're telling me you're just gonna nap?

Anyways, I waited for an hour and checked on Shiroshi after I waited. Keep in mind this was during a few summers ago. I creaked the door open only to find Shiroshi shirtless for some reason. I can read minds, it's just that it normally doesn't come up until said being has a motive.

Guess why this time? It was too hot apparently. Then again, he was drunk. Shiroshi went into the bathroom anyways, but holy shit, that was weird af. I think he might of saw me. Not gonna lie, he's kinda hot. No homo, tho.

(From Shiroshi: lmao, just say your bi and poly bro, no one gonna judge.
  - I know, but maybe, just maybe the foreigners aren't as open to the idea as we are.
  Shiroshi: That's their problem. B̶u̶n̶c̶h̶ o̶f̶ p̶u̶s̶s̶i̶e̶s̶
  - But-
  Shiroshi: Don't worry, we could always get Kyurem for the legal stuff.
  - But wouldn't this require an international lawyer? Kyurem just studied criminal law.
  Shiroshi: Huh. Good point. Blocking is always an option though.)

  Over the years of living near Reshiram and Kyurem, I've noticed how both Reshiram and White never stained their clothing at all.

What kind of sorcery is the BS? How tf did they even do it anyway? THEY EVEN WEAR WHITE ON A DAILY BASIS FOR FUCKS SAKE.


Anyways, that's just overpowered as fuck, I don't give a crap that Kuro's (and to some extent, Kuromi and I) physically stronger than Reshiram and equal to White (they share the same routine as Black), why were they gifted this ability?

That's all. Now let me suffer of a cold. Btw, if you want to know how Kuromi, she's with Shiroshi. Shiromi's right next to me in bed but I'm still fucking cold.

  (Shiroshi: Damn, you really doing bi-erasure for your own sister too, huh?
  - Shaddup.)

  No matter how much heat I put in this room, I'm still fucking cold. Ah well, at least Shiromi's with me.

  (Shiroshi: I smell a liar~)

  I'm gonna take a nap. Bye.

  (Shiroshi: I still smell a liar and I can't smell shit~

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