Depresso Espresso: Shiro

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So, Kuro just finished reading this long-ass fanfiction about us and has now caused a huge-ass thunderstorm (by crying a shit-ton) in Unova.

It was about something from the "future" about N possibly dying in front of them along with them suddenly in a coma from shock. The "coma dream" they had was something of them beating Ghetsis again with N by their side.

I don't know about you, but I have a very eerie feeling there's some level of truth to this fanfic. There's just something oddly specific about the wording that makes me think this is more than it leads on.

Anyways, now we a flash flood warning and that rarely happens.

FYI, I am sleeping with Kuro tonight to calm them down.

[Author's current situation: I'm running out a motivation for new chapters for this book. Maybe it's time to have a fresh start soon. Also there is in fact, a huge-ass thunderstorm in my area along with a tornado warning. The power would randomly go out for a brief second in the evening and fuck up the WiFi, so don't expect any actual updates at this moment.]

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