Repetition: Kyurem

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Seeing the same thing everyday is boring.

Same walls, same floor, same faces, heck even same ceilings. It just gets tiring. When I first migrated to that abandoned mine as my house of residence and my home in Alleos. I was first excited that I'll finally see something new for once.

Such as shame they both became as boring as the cavern near the Giant Chasm. I don't visit the cave as often as I used to.

The only reason I even go there is to do some intensive training, the more destructive one. I miss the climate there. It was cool, moist (because why else would it snow every winter?) , and calm. It's still cool here in Alleos, just not as cool. Plus, it's hella dry to me here (at least there's less flys). At least the clam part will always remain.

I don't have any plans for today. Just be on my phone or read. Actually, I read everything on my phone now since I've pretty much read every book in the house and don't feel like going to a library. These books are pretty old too, quite surprised they're still okay.

Patterns are everywhere. It's funny how you humans recognize patterns, even when there is none. It's fascinating.


I'm starting to sound like Shiro or Geom-eun giving other people philosophical lectures right now. Maybe that's why Geom-eun occasionally does things like this. Or it's just them hitting a blunt.

Why is this trio (although can you even call us a trio anymore?) so...filled with "wisdom"? Is it even wisdom anymore? What is wisdom anyway? I know the definition, but what is it exactly? It's just something my brain can't seem to comprehend, even with my vast memory.


Whelp, guess we'll never know. It's a weird feeling, a moment where you don't know what is happening around you, to feel lost. Such a strange feeling ...

Is there anything that could be done? Are our choices ultimately pointless? No matter what we do, there will always be an end. Democracy could end at any given moment, the age of discovery is over, hierarchies could collapse, heck, even an ongoing anime could end right now.

Sorry for being quite philosophical at the moment, I was just rethinking my life decisions. How did I get here anyway? Guess that's up to me to decide.

Boredom: Season 0Where stories live. Discover now