Citrus & Spice: Shiroshi

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!Suggestive content ahead, proceed with caution!


It was a rainy, dark, chill evening of tranquility...

Kuroko & I were just binge watching some movies in my living room. We laid on my couch, myself cuddling Kuroko behind him and blanket over us. We devoured many sweets & treats alike, most consumed by my partner. A simple night for the day of warmth.

Kuroko was oh so warm & soft in my arms. Our hands intertwine with one another as I moved my free hand. I could feel our auras energising, the air becoming hotter & hotter. I made a little smirk and pecked his head. Kuroko lightly chuckled as all we heard was the TV's ambience and the pattering of rain.

I brought mein Liebling closer to me for reasons beyond me. The beating of my heart sped up; I felt a sensation flow through my body from well, I'm sure you can guess. It was that time: the time for either absolute agonising discomfort from my urge not being heeded to or a blissful release of tension & passion.

I'm not in the mood yet I am at the same time. It's a strange. I still don't quite understand it despite majoring in biology and having the knowledge from the Library of Candor one blink away. Perhaps I'm simply not built for understanding these intense yet undefinable emotions. It has something to do with one's brain reacting to stimuli by releasing hormones, but why that stimuli specifically & why does the hormones create that feeling? I guess I'll never understand for now.

Kuroko smirked at me with a sultry look in his eyes. I felt my face reciprocated the expression.

This is it. This is the moment that decides whether or not I'll be perpetually annoyed by this "urge" or slumbering peacefully with my love.

Kuroko pulled me on top of him. I can feel the tension increase, yet I'm not nervous. I can tell the anticipation has cause discomfort in him too; I could tell by his unusual amount of fidgeting with my hair.

It was time. The flood gates had opened & the pipes had burst.

~ Trinity's POV~

Gyeoul wants the herbs and spices now.

I have to pick it up from Reshiram's place. It'll be fast, nothing big will happen while I'm there, right?

I go to the basement & opened the door to Reshiram's. From one basement to another, there I am. I walked up the basement stairs when I heard some light moaning. I thought it was just some spirit since it's a holiday today, so I brushed it off.

The more I ascended the stairs, the louder the moaning got. It was also mixed in with some panting too. It sounded familiar too...

I opened the door to the living and....







What the-

What the-

What the cinnamon toast fuck is this?

Why are theses know what? Fuck it. I've already been given free reign over cursing; why not drop the "inexperienced newbie who knows batshit" act? My soul's older than both of them anyway. Why are these motherfuckers "doing it" while watching mcfucking Shrek of all things? I know I've seen much more ridiculous shit in my past life, but come on, does it really have to be on the one day I have to pick up something?

I contemplated my life decisions for a moment before getting on the ground and worming my way to the kitchen. At least I can get the sight of that out of-

"Ahh~" A very, very, familiar voice moaned.


Perhaps I should have accounted for my hearing. Well, there goes yet another thing that's engraved into the cloud memory; I sure hope it does not reach the one being who's actually new to the world.

At least the dinner Gyeoul is going to make once I get the bag will take my mind off of this moment. Hopefully. It's most likely not going to, but who knows? Maybe a trip to the eye wash station & bleeding my ears out with music can help.

Just as I obtained the bag of herbs & spices, I realised I could've avoided most of this auditorial assault by using psychic.


I'll ignore the part I did not do that & gaslight myself into thinking did do that. I slid the bag across the room while barely hovering it over the floor before I fast-travelled across the room. I swiftly shut the door before I snuck down the stairs & out of range.

Finally, I was back in my basement. I closed the door and hoped to leave this moment behind, never to leave this time & room. I rushed up the stairs and dropped off the bag on the kitchen counter before sprinting upstairs. I ran into the eye wash station that's miraculously in hallway bathroom and blasted my eyes with water.

I felt relieved once I've cleansed my eyes. I walked to my room and collapsed on my bed. I picked up my phone and started to play some games.

Whelp, I thought. That's enough for today.

The next day...

~Kuroko's POV~

Ahh~ What a nice night session that was.

That was a wonderful time last night. It may have been cold (and I felt like we were being watched), but at least Shiroshi was there to fill me with warmth, eheh~

I was just making some good ol' rice, eggs, and seaweed for breakfast today. Shiroshi was in the corner making himself some coffee, and Gyeoul was drinking some leftover smoothie. Trinity seemed to be avoiding everyone, from what I gathered by what Kuromi told me, while Jabjong fidgeted with the silverware nervously.

I assembled the meals together and put them on the table. When I finally put Jabjong's bowl in front of them, they looked at me with a mix of anxiety, confusion, & curiosity.

"What's wrong?" I asked them.

Jabjong cocked their head to the side.

"I..." Jabjong began. "I-I want to ask you and Shiroshi a question,"

"Hm?" Shiroshi passed by us.

"Yes, yes," That's strange; they've not gone outside the local neighborhood nor have they needed our assistance with anything major this week. What would make them... "Carry on."

"Trinity said..." Jabjong quietly cursed in ancient Matsurian-Kodokan. "Trinity said she saw you and Shiroshi do something last night, right?"

"Hm-huh," I nodded. "Yes, and?"

I turned to Shiroshi to see his expression transforming from one of mild interest into one of panic with the mug of coffee obscuring his mouth.

"Well, uhh," Jabjong bit their lip in hesitation. "I...I came over to Shiroshi's house yesterday and..."

"And?" What's going on here? Am I missing something?

"What were you two doing on the couch?"

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