Kuro Reads Weird Things Again

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Warning: Very weird shit ahead. I'm probably making a personal attack on some of you


Let's just say I read some very abnormal roleplay yesterday...

So, I just searched myself as a maid on Google, clicked on a picture of T H I C C me (no, not that thicc, the one that encapsulates the thiccness of my thighs), got redirected to some achieved thread and saw some thirsty-ass roleplay involving my fictional counterpart.

  Let me just take this quote from Brandon when he saw shipping art of him & Whitney: Y'all mother-cloppers disgusting as fuck.

In Unovan (and similar regions) slang, "clopper" mean horse fucker. How did the term come into being? Apparently, someone saw a human doing the deed with a horse during the times of American settlement. Every week.

  He "apparently" wanted to "clop" the horse. Needless to say, it was written down in history and thus, the slang was born.

I'm 100% Kyurem witness this shithole and clopper is slowly becoming a part of Hybrid's natural vocabulary. I'm quite surprised Reshiram doesn't use this as often. Then again, they use shit like "lettuce fungi" & "bread molder", so, ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

So, about that thirsty thread, it made me remember how fetishized I am, both in & out of my country. In the past, I used to receive very, very...........peculiar fan-mail.

  It would range from creepy letters to straight-up used underwear, most of them belonging to girls. Was that meant for Kuroko or what because he doesn't want to see this either!

Now, the mailing system here is different. Most mail is directly delivered to your house or the mailbox near it. Other times, it will be in the nearby post office for the receiver to pick up. All the mail needed is the city/town location & the name. Simple, eh?

  It was made for Pokémon who don't plan on integrating into the human's system. Plus, you'll even get a text that tells you to pick it up. Well, here's the problem.

If you're a celebrity (I.E. a legendary Pokémon, regional champion, etc.) & your "fans" know where you approximately live, you'll be able to receive fan-mail. Even the weird ones.

  It wasn't a problem when the system was first made since, well, no internet. However, it only started to become an issue when the internet came into play. You see, the internet.....awakens some "kinks".

Before my rise in popularity outside of the Unova-esque/Unova region(s), the fan-mail was very tame. I normally get some gift from other legends like Giratina from time to time (BTW, thanks for the Lolita trench coat).

  During my explosion in popularity though, it became more ...... bizarre. The frequency of reporting fan-mail increased over time. After that dumpster-fire, I stopped accepting fan-mail altogether.

Apparently, the National Mailing System is considering a special stamp or label that's specifically made to define fan-mail from normal mail. Yep. That's right.

  They might also consider making the open-mailing system Kodokan-citizens/residents only. Basically, you may have to go to Kodoka & get a visa just to send fan-mail in the near future.

The impact this thread had on me the moment I read the first absurdly kinky sentence prompted me to make a video on it and post it on AnataRecord. It read exactly like this:

"I want to cradle that large, sweaty bulge with my face"

This motherfucking sentence convinced me to make a video, just when I was out off ideas.

Y'all know me. I'm basically a girl. Many Kodokan series with me in it refer to me with female terms. I'm usually using Kuromi's version of my body if I'm not in my androgynous one.

  I'm fine with being referred as a guy. I'm used to it. But this? This shit right here invoked an emotion that made me extremely ✨uncomfy✨.

This shit right here reeks levels of thirstiness nobody can comprehend. The next few posts were even more disturbing. After reading the weird post after this, I just had to desensitize myself by replacing every "Zekrom" with "Reshiram" to feel slightly better (still creepy af though). Want proof? Well, here it is! Now go bleach your eyes!

"QUICK. Zekrom is doing deadlifts! And with every rise of the bar, you see his dick throb inside his tight gym shorts. What do you do, now?"

Yep. That's right! It's so cringey, I wanted to die! Now you see why I had to replace every Zekrom with Reshiram? It's still extremely fucking creepy! How the hell does Reshiram & Kyurem read this shit without cringing so hard they want to commit arson on themselves?

Then, the thread was dragged further into degeneracy. My eyes were on fire from I was reading. I couldn't help but open a window & yeet myself out of it. I didn't, but I wished I did.

After reading the entire repulsing fucking thread & making a video based off of it, I just had to take a break from the internet. And everything altogether. I just napped my way through the cringe & pain. Why did I think it was a good idea to read fanfiction of myself? All this made me want to do is go ✨bye-bye✨ from the world.

Yep. That's my story from yesterday. If you want the thread, search up "maid Zekrom" and click the link with this image:

 If you want the thread, search up "maid Zekrom" and click the link with this image:

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It's (the picture) surprisingly well made! Too bad the link behind it is so...degenerate. Yeah, you really shouldn't read this shit unless you're brave or horny enough.

I absolutely refuse to share the actual link to anyone for your eye's safety.

Whelp, that's all. Hopefully you aren't as...degenerate as these... people. Um, yeah. I'll go take a nap now.

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