I Did the Thing: Winter

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Okay, Geom-eun, I did the thing. I made an entry, now stop staring at me through the doorway.
I need to type more? How about...


That's it. Just. No. I just want to get this over with and continue on with my day.


You know, to not waste your time, why don't I tell you how I met Kyurem?

The two princes (or as I personally like to call them, the twin idiots) recently considered declaring war on each other. It was a horrible time for [REDACTED]. They did not want their only friends to fight one another; in fact they were the one voting against war.

Alas, their efforts were futile and ultimately overridden. For the entire few months, [REDACTED] was fighting themselves internally, trying to "keep themselves together". Some days, they may not even leave their lair. They slowly drowned into the depths of insanity, day after day.

They've always expressed how much they didn't like this decision. The twins brushed their concerns off and moved on, not thinking about what [ REDACTED ] was planning. It was a very...meticulous plan. One that required many sacrifices; including some of their only few alias.

I believe 10 humans and 2 dragons were used. It really hurts when you know —- and ____ were [EXPUNGED] and are now [ CN: Ty.] & [ CN: To.]. I'm not supposed to be sharing this information, but it's just the beginning. Those two are forbidden to say anything about this too.

Before [REDACTED] went out, they told certain individuals about their plan. Meloetta was involved. Landorus was involved. Tornadus, Thunderous, Giratina, a family that ran an orphanage where [REDACTED] found some friends, Victini, the king at the time, and more. They all were told about this.

Including me.

I had to give the DNA splicers to that family, it was part of their plan. It's just that I had to do it after Hoesaeg first fused once with the other two. It was a very complex plan, to say the least. You can only learn about it to its fullest if you personally knew [REDACTED]. Even then, only a select individuals could hand you down a tad bit of that information.

Giratina may be nice, but they have made a promise to never share their full plans to outsiders.

One day, they snapped. Yet again, they saw the two IDIOTS arguing again. They left the palace after dinner. The plan was in motion. Prior to that day, they gave us what I need to have. With the help of Giratina and a few others, they have made the splicers, cores, injectors, and crosser.

As you may know, the splicer is used for fusion. The cores were made so that Kyurem can achieve a state of fusion without fusing. Same thing applies with the injectors, but with Reshiram or Zekrom. The crosser was made to bring Hybrid into the physical world before the core can be used.

They were having an identity crisis up there. I felt it. Then, it began. It was a horrific site to see. Remember your best friend? Now you have to see them melting into three and you can't stop it. I've always hated anything that reminds me of that. I can still hear their pained screams as they divided themselves.

So many voices.

There was more than 13 souls in their body. First came the white dragon. The came the black dragon. Finally, the shell that was the result of the incident came to life. It flew around for a while. Its silhouette reminded me of how [REDACTED] looks all those years ago.

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