Loathsome: Kyurem

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So we're here now...

We've been holding back getting a full diagnosis from a psychiatrist for a while now. It's time, we thought.  The long due acceptance of aid. Gyeoul got in the passenger seat in the back with us as Shiro and Kuro got in the front. It was ... uncomfortable. I'm right next to the being I enjoy being with the most...

Yet I don't want to be here.

Was it just simply in our nature to deny any sort of help? Have we fallen so far we want to stay as who we are already? Is this the disparity or our situation? Are we truly hopeless? Is that why we overthink everything?


Why & how did we become this way? Did we stay isolated for too long? Did we simply allow society to throw our well-being away? Can I fix myself? Is that even possible around this point? It's been 2,510 years of our own bullshit. Are we even worth scavenging? Can we move on now?

As Shiro drove the car to the psychiatrist office, I laid on Gyeoul's lap for the duration. Nothing but the sound of the crackle of the tires on the road emitted on this silent route.

Gyeoul stroked my head to soothe the stand-still environment. Kuro looked more tense than normal, often looking in the back through the mirror. It was... tense. I can feel the movement of the automobile turn and change speed. Nothing much happened.

As my hair got stroked, I felt more exhausted yet comfortable. Gyeoul's cold hands ran through my rough hair as I can feel the need to rest.

Maybe we should nap, I thought. Just a few minutes. I softly closed my eyes and relaxed my body. I felt the tension from my legs and arms dissipate as I fell into a light sleep. From there, it was all darkness.

A few bumps and turns were felt. Yet I held on. I want to be this way forever. A peaceful life of satisfaction. I felt Kuro softly smile as they observed me slumbering. Shiro's heat still irradiated through the atmosphere.

Then I felt a disturbance in the aura. It was a conversation between the three occurring in telepathy. But I was not included. It was used to not wake me up. I went along with it and waited for when Shiro got us to the office.

§Kuro's POV§

I smiled gently as I heard the small snores of Hoesaeg. They were enervated, I know that. They don't seem to mind this trip. It was surprisingly lengthy in time to get to the office and catch too many prying eyes if we go on public transport like usual.

For a country that has one of the best mental health care systems, the places to receive help are too sparsely dense. I looked at Shiro deeply & asked how was it going. They replied with a straightforward answer, saying "We'll be there within 5 minutes."

I asked Gyeoul in telepathy if they had any idea how did Kyurem become like this. They replied modestly, saying they used to go out willingly until the stress building up caught up with them.

One such source was an incident involving one of them back in 1985. At that time, their identity changed every 20 years and that decade was no exception. For the first 8 years, Kyurem was simply a college student and then a subway driver on night shift. At the time, many Pokémon or humans were killed by trains, but they can handle it.

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