Legendary Reunions: White

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-This part has been revised to be headcanon compliant-


I hate these reunions.

It forces me to talk to other beings and I hate people in general. Not as much as I loathe how hot and stuffy the rooms get. Why did Palkia think this is a good idea? At least we get to see the boys. You probably don't know all of them, but that's alright.

They live in the many, many other provinces the Pokémon company hasn't touched upon yet. There's still barely any ice types to befriend though. Even when there is one, they tend to avoid me because how stupidly tall & stupid I am. It may also be because I used to be an absolute menace to society a century or two ago and was infamous for being the "sadistic" flavour of "quirky". At least that's what everyone around me says. I personally don't believe too hard; what's with the work up about neurotoxins & carcass bombing? I was just doing my job & the bodies were dead already.

Apparently being 360 cm tall as a dragon is too intimidating & so is looking tired all the time. Not my fault I have resting bitch face; it's a Reshiram gene! That and pyromania, but Reshiram's so prostate-deep in denial that most beings eating up that copium have a hard time swallowing it whenever they're asked where my "eccentricities" came from they freeze up.

Black has a much better time than I do. Must fun not dealing with being tormented by an overactive ability that makes you witness the eldritch horrors of the universe frequently. Wish I could go back to the times I didn't have to deal with this bullshit. After a while though, we all want to die and go home. You can't believe how many smaller legendaries despise us.

The Shaymin's are extremely scared of being eaten by us, even though we said several times we really don't hunt for Pokémon anymore out of pure laziness and a thing called "the law". Also 'cause Gracidea flowers taste like ass regardless of what point in its life cycle it is. I don't know how or why I have this knowledge as I've never eaten any; all I know is that my taste buds know this flavor and that I hate it.

Am I even lucky to exist? I don't even drink alcohol that much because it makes me super sick & nauseous (not to mention, it's absolutely disgusting, especially beer. I have low alcohol tolerance anyway.), yet you expect me to eat a grass hedgehog when I'm barely functioning from the amount of fried & gasoline-doused food I've already eaten?

Yea-no. No way in hell will I eat something covered in one of the most disgusting species of grass and flowers.

Ever since 2005, we always have to plan speeches ahead of time so that we don't emotionally and mentally shut down from stressing ourselves. It's a huge mess; I swear it wasn't like this before.

Sometimes, it doesn't even work! Most of the time I end up hyperventilating & getting nauseous and may get to the point where I might pass out. The fact that I even know why it's like this now makes this even more infuriating...

I now have these thoughts racing through out my mind: what if I fuck up so much everyone would turn on me? What if I said something wrong that'll be controversial to the public? What if- What if- What if- What if- What if-

"Hayan, are you okay?" Shiro asked. Another mental tangent. Again. Ughhhh, I swear this dumbass quality I inherited from Kyurem is the biggest mistake O has made when distributing their genes. Reshiram's really bad habit of going on really long info dumps whenever they're worked up does not help. "I felt something was off when we haven't seen you leave the room for lunch, or well, your breakfast."

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