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A/N: This was a request from @SidZoyi. Thank you so much for the request, I hope you enjoy it as much as I enjoyed writing this!

"Grayson why do you have so many boxes of clothing?" You questioned as you carried the fifth box of his clothes

"That's cause he's always taking my clothes too!" Ethan chuckled

"No I'm not" Grayson said he rolled his eyes and set the last box of his in his new bedroom

The twins had recently moved into a new home and you were helping them move in

"Babe, do you mind unpacking my stuff while I help Ethan carry his stuff to his room?" he asked as he wrapped his waist around you, your arms immediately hooking onto his neck

"Mmm ok, but don't take too long lover boy, also, I want pizza" you smiled as you pecked his lips lightly

"Yes ma'am" he responded as he pecked your lips and ran off to order some pizza and help Ethan carry his boxes

You turned around sighed at the amount of the boxes there were to unpack

"Well, let's start working" you said to yourself as you grabbed the first box

Little by little you started organizing everything just the way you know Grayson would

Luckily, the boys had previously set up their shoes stand and closets to put stuff in, so you basically had to put things were they belonged

"Do you think this panther would fit in with the aesthetic of the room?" Grayson asked as he carried the panther that Ethan had bought when they were filming for a YouTube video

You chuckled lightly, "Maybe it could go by your desk if you really wanted it to, but I think it would stand out more in a place where people can see it, like the living room" you suggested

"Ok, sounds good, pizza should get here anytime soon, how are you doing here?"

"Pretty good, I'm almost done with the last few boxes" you said proudly with a smile

"Thanks a lot Y/N" he said as he left the room

As you were opening the last few boxes you found a small green blanket, clearly to cover a baby

You looked at it curiously, having so many questions about it in mind

What's Grayson doing with a blankie? Since when does he have this? Does...does he sleep with this? you wondered curiously

"Y/N, the pizza is here!" You heard Grayson yell from the living room

"Coming!" You said as you put the blankie back in the box and under the bed to ask Grayson about it later

After taking a little break and eating pizza, everyone decided to call it a day and do the rest of the unpacking the tomorrow

"Do you want to stay the night?" Grayson asked

You nodded and followed him back to his room, hand in hand as you wished everyone a good night

"Don't make any children while you're in there!" You heard Ethan yell as you rolled your eyes playfully, Grayson scoffing at his brothers comment

"Wow! The room is so organized Y/N! You really do know how I would organize my room" Grayson chuckled as he plopped down on the bed

You just smiled and then remembered about the blankie

"Gray I have a question"

"Yea, what's up?" He asked as you peaked his interest

You got a box from under his bed, opened it and pulled out the green blankie from earlier

"Why do you-" you were asking but suddenly Grayson snatched the blankie from your hands and hid it under the pillow, confusing you even more

"So what's the question?" he asked casually

"Grayson" you spoke sternly

He sighed as he sat up and took out the blankie and laid it on his lap

"You're probably wondering why I have this huh?" he asked as you nodded while you sat in front of him

"Umm, well this is my blankie from when me and E were kids, you know how some kids sleep with teddy bears or just a stuffed animal? Well this is what I would sleep with at night... and I still use it to sleep with, e-especially when I have nightmares or something" he said as he face flushed red from embarrassment, looking down at his lap, expecting you to laugh at him

"Oh ok, that makes sense" you simply said

Grayson looked up at you and cocked his eyebrow, "Y-you're not going to make fun of me? Or laugh at me?" he asked confused

You shook your head, "why would I do that? I think it's cute that you still sleep with a blankie, it reminds me of a shield that's protecting you from nightmares and stuff you know?"

Grayson just looked at you in awe, you were the first girlfriend he's had who didn't laugh at him for still sleeping with a blankie

"I love you so much" Grayson said as he pushed you against his chest into a warm hug

"I love you too Gray, don't be embarrassed about your blankie, it's part of what makes you, you" you whispered as you cuddled into him

Grayson gently draped the small blankie over the both of you, then a bigger blanket on top, "there, now my blankie is protecting both of us" he stated as held you tighter

"Good night Gray" you said as you laid on top of him and he kissed your forehead

"Good night Y/N...I love you" 

Grayson Dolan ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now