Secret Relationship

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A/N: This was a request from @aboomdelacaca32. Thank you for the request, it was a good idea and I hope you like it!

"I don't understand why you're getting so upset over it, it's just a picture and you can't even tell that's you!"

"You can see my tattoos, of course you can tell it's me!"

You and Grayson have been screaming back and forth all evening over a cute picture you decided to post on your social media that has Grayson hugging you from behind, with his face in the crook of your neck as you take a mirror picture

Grayson had asked you to keep the relationship on the downlow because he didn't want you to suffer the wrath of fans who may not like you, he wanted to keep the relationship a secret just for your sake

However, you didn't care if Grayson's fans loved you or not, as long as you had Grayson, you wouldn't care if the whole world were against you

"You're being childish" you snapped at him

"You're the one who's being the childish, you didn't even ask me if you could post that picture"

"Because you would've said no"

"That's right, I would've said no because you can tell that's me in the picture!"

"Or maybe because you're too afraid to show who your girlfriend is! Everyone knows you're in a relationship! Everyone knows you're no longer single, what difference does it make who you're in a relationship with if your fans already know to respect you and your love it me? Are you ashamed of being in a relationship with me?" you asked softly

Grayson sighed heavily, "You know that's not why-"

"Then tell me why! Tell me why I'm not allowed to show off my boyfriend to the world! Tell me why I'm not allowed to show off the person I love the most, to the world! I already told you I don't care what some fans may think about-"

"But I do care! I care what they think about you because I don't want you to get hurt just by being with me!"

"You're the only one who's hurting me right now!" you screamed as you panted softly, tears threatening to leave your eyes

"Y/N-" spoke Grayson as he tried getting near you

"Don't get close to me right now, or I swear I will smack you Grayson...just leave me alone" you said as the tears had finally left your eyes and you made your way out of the apartment to get some fresh air

"Damn it!" Grayson said frustrated as he punched the wall next to him, creating a hole in it, "Damn"

He knew he had messed up bad time, he hates fighting with you, but he thought that by keeping the relationship a secret, he could somehow protect you from all the hate you could potentially get online, that he could protect your emotions from getting hurt

He didn't stop to realize that it was he who was hurting you

"I need to fix this" he spoke to himself as he got the keys to his car and drove the store to get some things he needed to make it up for you

Meanwhile you had taken a walk to a nearby park to think about your relationship with Grayson

You loved him, that much was obvious, but was it such a big deal to fight over a picture?

You sighed softly as you sat on a park bench, it was getting dark outside and you had forgotten to bring a sweater with you

"I should've listened to him...we would probably be cuddled up at home right now, sleeping comfortably or just laying around...damn it" you muttered to yourself as you started crying, "This is such a stupid fight"

"Y/N! Where are you?" someone called out from afar

You lifted your head up and turned to see Grayson panting from the running he had done

"R-right here!" you responded as Grayson turned and ran over to you, kneeling in front of you and cupping your cheeks in his warm hands

"I was so worried, you didn't take your phone with you, I had no way to contact you" he whispered as his forehead touched yours

"G-Grayson, I'm-"

Grayson took your lips with his own, kissing you lightly, "Let's take you home first, ok?" he asked as you nodded and walked back to the apartment with Grayson, hand in hand

As soon as you got home, you were surprised by the way the place was set up, the lights were dim, the the couch was set up as a little fort

You turned to Grayson in surprise as he encouraged you to go inside the little fort he built

You crawled under the blanket and gasped at all the gifts he got for you, your favorite snacks and food from your favorite restaurant

You turned back around and came face to face with Grayson, "Oh Gray" you whispered as you cupped his cheeks and kissed him passionately, "thank you, thank you"

"I want to apologize about what happened, I'm just worried about how you'll react when you see that not everyone is going to approve of us" he whispered

"I know some may not approve of us Gray...but I don't care, as long as you love me, I'm happy" you responded with a smile, making Grayson smile and nod at your statement, hugging you tightly

"I'm so in love with you Y/N, so, so in love with you"

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