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A/N: This was a request from @yourlocalh0tti3. Thank you so much for this request, I hope you like it!

"Are you serious Gray?" you dead toned as he looked at you with a serious face

"Yes! You'll get a cold if you go out with your shoulders exposed like that, put his jacket on" he said as he handed you one of his jackets

Since you were an up rising social media star, you became more popular amongst the crowd and people would start recognizing you in public

That was all fine with you, you didn't really mind taking pictures with fans, Grayson however, started to become more and more protective of you, mainly when you took pictures with boy fans you had

It was because of this, that Grayson started keeping you closer to him and didn't really like it when you wore clothes that were too revealing for his taste

"But the jacket totally ruins it" you whined as you turned around and crossed your arms, "plus, it's summer and we're going to be going to the fair, it's going to get really hot"

"...fine, let's just go then" muttered Grayson as he walked passed you, clearly upset and got in the car

You followed him quickly and then he drove off to the fair where you and him would on a date

Soon enough you were both at the fair, as you were about to go on a ride, a group of boys lined up behind you and Grayson for the ride

"Oh wow, is that Y/N?" one of them whispered

"Dude, she looks really hot"

"Who's she with?"

"Probably her boyfriend, but he ain't much"

Grayson was fully aware of the comments they were making, while you were ogling over prizes you wanted to try winning later

Grayson tightened his grip around your waist as he pulled you in front of him so the boys wouldn't have a view of you in front of them

You turned around and smiled at Grayson as he smiled back as you and kissed your cheek as you held his hand in yours and leaned against his chest, waiting for your turn

Soon enough it was yours and Graysons turn, however, the cart had to carry four people in at a time

"Anyone want to hop in with them?" asked the employee

"We will!" spoke two boys from the group as they got in the cart with you and Grayson

Grayson scoffed as he saw the boys getting too close to you for his liking, so he had you move to the outer part of the cart so he would be the one sitting next to the boys

"Party pooper" muttered the boy who had sat next to you

The ride started and ended quickly, as soon as you both got off, the pair of boys asked you for a picture

"Sure!" you said as you took their phones for a selfie style picture and they held you by the waist during the picture, making Grayson boil with anger

"Alright, that's it, we're leaving!" spoke Grayson as he dragged you away from boys

"G-Grayson, wait!" you said as you tried pulling back from his grip but he wouldn't budge

"No Y/N, we are going home and you are changing out of that outfit and wearing something of mine that covers you from head to toe!"

He put you in the car as he drove away while you remained in silence, not wanting to argue while he was driving

As soon as you both got home you opened the door to the car and then slammed it shut before walking in

"What the hell was that for?!" he questioned as he followed after you

"Oh I don't know, maybe because you just ruined a perfectly good date that we were having?" you said sarcastically

"Those boys were looking at you with lust in their eyes! How am I supposed to feel when you go out dressed like that and boys are drooling over you?"

"Oh, so you want to be the overprotective one now? What about all those time girls drooled over you when you were just getting started on social media? What were those words you would say to me? 'Babe, they're just fans, it's nothing serious'?" you reminded him

"So now you're taking revenge for what happened back then?"

"I'm not taking revenge for anything, I want you to trust me as much as I trusted you when you had fans swarming all over you. I don't want you to tell me that my shoulders are too exposed or that my shorts or skirts are too short, what are we, in high school again? Get over that and trust me! Or what, do you think I would cheat on you?"

Grayson sighed and looked down, knowing that you would never cheat on him, he shook his head

"I just get scared" he confesses, "I get scared that you'll find someone who's better than me and that you'll want to leave me"

Your eyes widened at the fear Grayson had, the reason why he had become so overprotective

"Gray" you whispered as you walked up to him and raised his chin to look at you in the eyes, "I would never leave you for anyone else...you're it for me, you know that"

"...I just can't help the feeling"

You stayed quiet for a moment, not knowing what to say, all you could do was hug him for the moment

"Listen Gray, I trust you, ok? So please trust me"

"...I trust you Y/N, with my whole life"

You smiled at his response and got on your tippy toes to kiss his lips

Instead, Grayson picked you up, making you squeal as he threw you on the bed lightly, making you giggle as he snuggled into you

"I love you Gray"

"I love you too"

Grayson Dolan ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now