Kill Me If You Must

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c/n=cousin name

"Y-You were going to kill me" the prince muttered as he looked at his forbidden lover

"Yes, it was for my own wellbeing...I didn't expect to fall in love with you within that time, please, you must go, you have to escape! I'll say that you found out of the plan and-"

", you have to go through with your job, kill me if you must-"

"I can't! I love you! I won't kill you!" tears ran down the face of the lover

"Then when they get to this room and find out that I've escaped, they'll take your life instead of mine, and I can't live in a world where you're dead!" the prince screamed as his lover just sobbed

"And you think I can live in a world where you're dead? Please Grayson...I'm begging you" you pleaded

It all started when you got an offer to get a hit on someone from royalty

You were usually hired to just steal from the rich

When you had made the hit on someone from royalty, taking all their precious gems, you got an offer you couldn't refuse

"I need you to assassinate the prince of the Dolan Kingdom"

You were surprised to see that the offer was from the cousin of the prince

"I don't kill, I rob and steal" you said clearly

"I'll give you a hefty amount of money...enough for you to leave this place" he said, giving a clearly disgusted face to your home

It wasn't the best home, but it's what you could afford, with the skills that you had, you had enough to survive

You sighed, "Let's say I do accept your offer, why do you want to kill the prince, your cousin? What do you get out of him being dead?" you asked curiously

"Ah, my dear cousin...let's just say he isn't fit enough to be king, the kingdom would crumble if he were to be king"

"What about his other siblings?"

"They're not interested enough to want to what do you say?"

In the end, you agreed to the offer, the cousin would set you up to be his personal maid and when the grand ball for the King's birthday were to happen, that's when you would eliminate the prince, within a two months time

"My dear cousin, this is the personal maid that I have brought to you" spoke c/n

You were dressed in an old dress that allowed plenty of movement for any task the prince may ask you to do

"I am at your service, Princes Grayson" you curtseyed

Grayson sighed, "C/n, how many times have I told you that I don't need a maid-"

"Nonsense! A prince must always have a maid, I'll be on my way now, I promised my father I would meet him at the training grounds of the kingdom, see you around cousin" waved off c/n, leaving you with your target

"Well, hello, my name is Grayson...although you already knew that since you called me by my name, what may your name be?"

"You want to know my name?" you asked confused as you tilted your head

"Well, yes, how else am I supposed to address you?" he asked, confused

"My name is Y/N"

"Alright Y/N...let's go to the library then, I need to do some light reading"

That was your first interaction with the prince

As the days went by, you and the prince started spending more and more time together, discovering new things about each other

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