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A/N: This is a request from @turtlesoup_. Thank you so much for this request, I really enjoyed writing it and I hope you enjoy reading it!

f/f= favorite food

"Are you sure you're ok?" asked Grayson worryingly

"Yea, why wouldn't I be?" You asked as you kept watching the television

"...I just haven't seen you eat as much lately, is everything ok?"

"Mhmm, I'm fine" you said as you faked your smile to your boyfriend to not worry him

Truth was, you were starving, but you were determined to not eat anything or much

Recently there were comments circling around that were saying that you weren't in the best shape

That it was amazing that someone like Grayson, who was fit, was someone like you

You knew not to let comments get to you, but those comments really hit hard

"Well, since I've been so worried, I brought f/f!" He exclaimed happily as he knew you loved f/f

You smelled the odor of your favorite food and your mouth began to water and also giving you head

"I umm, I'm ok Gray, really" you said as you tried standing up, your legs weak from the lack of protein and carbs

"But baaaaabe" Grayson whined, "it took me so long to get this, the line was super long"

"I said I'm fi-" you said until you felt everything go black and you plopped onto the floor

"Y/N!" Grayson screamed as he ran to you and kneeled down

"H-Hey, what's wrong, talk to me, Y/N, please" pleaded Grayson as he picked you up and ran to the car to take you to the hospital

They immediately took you in as they realized you were passed out

Grayson followed as they took you to a room and hooked you up to a few machines

"What's the needle for?" Grayson asked as he saw the nurses hooking everything up to you

"This is an IV, from what you've told us, she hasn't been eating sufficient which is malnutrition, we need to give her body nutrition since she can't take it orally right now, she should be awake soon" explained the nurse as he walked out, leaving Grayson with you in the room

Grayson sat down on the chair next to your bed and sighed and he held your hand in his, kissing it lightly and putting it next to his cheek

"I'm not sure...I'm not sure why you would do that, why you would not eat, but I promise that whatever the reason was, we'll work on it together when you get up"

About half an about passed by and your eyes fluttered open, you turned to see that Grayson had fallen asleep holding your hand

You realized you were hooked up to a bunch of machines and remembered that you had passed out, leading to Grayson taking you to the hospital

You patted his head softly as he woke up

"Darling" Grayson spoke as he hugged you immediately, "please eat again, you made me so worried"

You had put Grayson through a lot and he had to deal with it on his own

You smiled sincerely this time and nodded

"Let's get f/f when I get out of here" you suggested

"Sounds like a plan"

Grayson Dolan ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now