Under The Same Sky

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A/N: This was a request from @daydreamer33d. Thank you so much for the request and I hope you enjoy it!

"Y/N, do you take Grayson as your husband, until death do you part?" asked the clerk as you stood in front of your soon to be husband in a white dress that fit all your curves just right

You looked into your lovers eyes and was suddenly taken back to where your fondness for each other first happened

Back to the car accident that had killed yours and the twins parents

At the time, the three of you were fifteen years old

The three of you sat in the back with your dad and their dad at the front and your mom and their mom in the middle portion of the car

You were all coming back from dinner when a drunk driver didn't stop their car in time and caused the accident to happen

Your parents and the twins parents passed away on the spot while you and the twins fought to stay alive

It took weeks of recovery for the three of to get better

"What a sad thing, their parents died at the accident and their the only ones who survived" whispered one of the nurses who was checking on you while you were 'sleeping'

"I heard that the foster care system is supposed to come pick them up tomorrow they're supposedly going to separate them" responded the other nurse as they left the room

You got up from your bed and changed into a change of clothes that was retrieved from the home you used to live in with your parents

You sneaked into Grayson's room and explained what you had heard

"I-I think we should leave, the three of us Gray...I-I don't want us to get separated, you guys are all I have, I don't want to lose you guys too" you cried quietly as Grayson pulled you in to hug you, comforting you

You left Grayson's room to let him change and told Ethan of the plan, the three of you would escape that night

After a few hours and during the shift change of the nurses, the three of you escaped the hospital

It was a long night, but luckily you and the twins were able to enter your now empty home since it was amazingly left open

From that day forward, you and the twins lived there, underage teenagers with no parental supervision

Luckily, the three of you were able to get jobs that paid cash while living in your empty home

"I got some pizza!" spoke Ethan excitedly as he walked up to your empty room that just had the bags you guys had

"Thanks E" you spoke as you sat in the corner of the room with Grayson beside you, sharing a blanket

"How was work today?" asked Grayson as he took a piece and you also took a piece

"Ehh, it was alright, some kids tried stealing stuff today, luckily they didn't get too far" the night went on until Ethan fell asleep

"Want to go by our tree?" asked Grayson as he nudged your shoulder

You smiled and nodded as Grayson helped you up and the two of you walked to your tree

The tree where you had fallen in love with Grayson and where he had fallen in love with you

But you were both too blind to see the love you had for each other

You both sat under the tree, you with your head on Grayson's shoulder as you looked up at the sky

Grayson Dolan ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now