You Left Me

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"Please come to LA with us Y/N...come with me" Grayson whispered as his forehead touched yours

"I can't Gray, I can't just leave my parents, god knows what would happen if I left them, plus, I don't know if I'm ready to live without them"

The twins were going to move to LA in a few days, they had enough with being bullied in school, they decided that they would move to finishing high school virtually and move to LA, the place where they imagined their dreams would come true

Your relationship with Grayson was complicated, you and the twins had practically grown up together, you and Grayson were always closer though, you had been each other's first kiss just because Grayson saw his mom and dad kiss in the kitchen once, he wanted to know what that felt like

"C'mon, please" little Grayson begged you

"B-but I don't know how"

"Let me take the lead then" little Grayson spoke enthusiastically as he just pressed his lips against yours

"W-was it ok?" you asked quietly with a red face

"Y-Yea! It was good!" spoke Grayson with also a red face

You both liked each other, that much was obvious, one could even say you loved each other dearly, but with the twins being bullied in high school, Grayson didn't want to risk you getting bullied too if people were to find out you two were dating, so he decided not to make a move

"You have to promise you'll come visit though, and that you won't forget about me once you guys are celebrities" you said trying to change the mood

"C'mon Y/N, I could never forget you, you know that" Grayson spoke as he embraced you tightly

The days passed by and the twins had left, you weren't able to see them leave as you had important exams at school the day they left

Grayson called you after he arrived at the apartment him and Ethan would live in

He would call you at least twice every week, to see how you were doing, you would talk for hours on how Grayson's new life was and how much happier he felt being away from all the toxicity at his old school

"I'm real happy for you Gray, you really do sound happy" you spoke through the phone

"I-I still miss you Y/N, I miss you a lot" Gray sighed

"I miss you too, we'll see each other soon enough though right? You said you'd come visit sometimes" you reminded him

"...yea, I will"

However, that wasn't the case, about six months after they had moved they got a contract to go on tour, and from that moment Grayson wouldn't call you, he wouldn't even answer your texts

You understood that he was constantly busy with tour, but the least he could've done was answer your texts, letting you know he was ok

They went back to New Jersey, but Grayson never announced to you that he would visit, and by the time you would find out, they were always gone

The years passed by and you were now a freshman in college, your parents had decided to leave their job for a whole year and travel the world, meaning you would be home alone

However, even though you weren't in touch with the twins anymore, you were still in touch with their mom since in the afternoons you would help her close the shop she worked in, she took you in while your parents traveled

"You know, Ethan and Grayson are coming soon" spoke Mrs.Dolan as you were both setting dinner

"Oh, should I find somewhere else to stay in the meantime?" you asked as you didn't want to invade their bonding time

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