Mother's Day

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A/N: Happy Mother's Day!

d/n= daughter's name

s/n= son's name

L/N= Last name

"Alright buddy, we have to be very quiet, we don't want to wake up mommy" a shirtless Grayson spoke to his son who was going to help him make breakfast for you

"Why are we up so early?" he asked as he rubbed his eyes

"It's Mother's Day, stupid" spoke the eldest sibling to her brother

"D/n, that's no way to speak to your brother, apologize and I don't want to hear any mean words today" scolded Grayson to his daughter

"Fine...I'm sorry" she said as she rolled her eyes and sat on a chair near the counter

"Today's Mother's Day! Don't tell me you forgot" asked Grayson as he took out the pancake mix

"Oh! I made mommy a card at school for today!" He yelled, but Grayson quickly covered his mouth


"Sorry pops" spoke s/n as his dad uncovered his mouth

"Why don't you go get your card and get the plate we're going to put mommy's pancakes?" encouraged Grayson as he measured out the ingredients he needed

"Can I eat pancakes too?" asked s/n

"Of course, I'm going to make enough for everyone, d/n, can you go get the flowers I put in the closet"

"Why would you put flowers in the closet?" She asked as she stood up to go get them

"Because your mother almost never checks the hall closet for anything, it's the perfect place to hide flowers"

D/n went to the closet and saw a bouquet of all your favorite flowers, surprising her that her dad had actually remembered the flowers you liked

"Wow dad, I never thought guys could be so detailed in giving gifts, you got all of mom's favorite flowers" d/n mentions as she sat back down near the counter

"Well, when you're in love, you try to do anything to make your other half happy, it could be something as simple as knowing their favorite flowers" spoke Grayson as he flipped a pancake

S/n soon came back with a card he had made and a plate where the pancakes would go

"Dad, how did you ask mom to marry you?" asked d/n as Grayson started reminiscing the memory of planning out the proposal for you

Fifteen Years Ago

You and Grayson were high school sweethearts, the perfect couple around school

He knew how much you loved the library, which is where he had actually met you when you accidentally spilt your morning drink on him

The library was like your second home, it was where you both had met and shared your first kiss

Grayson knew he wanted to marry young and when he found out you also wanted to marry young, he was ecstatic

At the senior prom (which is the last school dance for seniors in high school), Grayson had convinced you to sneak out with him

"Won't we get in trouble?" You asked as you had laid your head on Grayson's shoulder, with his tuxedo jacket over your shoulders while you both walked around school

"Nah, I'm sure we'll be fine, plus, I'll protect you if anything happens" he said as he kissed your forehead

Soon enough you both stopped in front of the library

"Do you want to check if it's open?" asked Grayson

You nodded your head and Grayson opened the door which to your surprise was open, but this was all a part of Grayson's plan

As soon as you entered, the lights turned on dimly and you saw a poster that was telling you to follow a path that was set out for you

You looked back to look at Grayson but he was no longer behind you

Taking a deep breath, you walked through the path and saw pictures of you and Grayson's journey's and dates, taped to the shelves

You smiled as you remembered the memories and kept walking until you were stopped at a table

The same table where you had met Grayson and the same table where you had both shared your first kiss

You smiled as you ran your hand through the table and saw a note

"I can't believe we've been together for so long, I never would've thought I would meet an angel like you in a place like school, I had never even thought of loving someone else. Although you ruined one of my favorite shirts, I'm really happy you spilt your drink on me and I was able to know you. You're kind, sweet, amazing, beautiful...I love you so much, now turn around my love" you read the note out loud and turned around, only to gasp at the sight in front of you

Grayson on one knee, kneeling in front of you, with a box out in his hand and opened with a ring inside

"Y/N L/N...would you do me the honor of becoming the most happy human in the world, and marry me?"

You nodded rapidly with tears streaming down your eyes from the happiness

"Yes! Yes, yes, yes" you said as you tackled yourself onto Grayson and hugged him tightly as he hugged you back

He put the ring on you and then held your hand in his, looking into your eyes and caressing your cheek

"Thank you Y/N, I love you so much"

"Wow dad, who knew you could be so romantic" said d/n

"Not all men are boring" chuckled Grayson, "now, let's bring this to mom, I'll take the plate, d/n you take the drink and s/n you take the card ok?"

His children nodded as they all quietly walked to the room you were sleeping in

"One, two, three, Happy Mother's Day!"

"Happy Mother's Day!"

"Happy Mother's Day!"

They all said, waking you up as s/n jumped onto the bed and gave you a big hug

"Oh, thank you sweethearts, you guys are too good to me" you said as you stretched a little before sitting up

"Oh, pancakes! I love pancakes!" You said excitedly as your family giggled

"D/n, s/n, can you get the other pancakes I made for us?" asked Grayson as his kids nodded and left the room

Grayson took a seat beside you and kissed your hand, "Happy Mother's Day love" he whispered

"Thank Grayson, you're always so thoughtful, I love you"

"I love you too"

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