Lost & Found

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A/N: This was a request from @daydreamer33d. Thank you so much for this request, I hope you like it!

"Do you have the basket Y/N?"

"Yep! It has the sandwiches you made and the drinks you brought"

"Where are you two going?" asked Ethan as he rubbed his eyes from his slumber

"We're going to our thinking spot to see the sun set!" you said excitedly, making Grayson smile at you

"Geez, you two are always together, why don't you just date already" Ethan teased, knowing he'd get Grayson to become speechless

"Of course we're always together, we all basically grew up together, idiot" you mumbled as you tried to hide your blush

Truth was, you loved Grayson ever since you were kids, at first you thought you just looked up to see him, maybe as a brother, but as time went by, the butterflies in your stomach grew more and more each day

The day you knew for sure that you loved him was the day he came back heartbroken from a date

He had been really excited to date a girl he liked from his class, and although it upset you that the girl wasn't you, you supported him because that's what best friends do

But next thing you know, Grayson came in through your bedroom window and hugged you with muffled cries as the girl was just playing with his feelings

You had comforted him that whole night, telling him how special he was, and how that girl wasn't smart enough to see how much of an amazing person he was

"Y/N, are you ok?" Grayson asked as he broke you out of your train of thoughts

"I'm fine, let's go!" you said as you took his hand and ran to the four wheelers the twins had in a storage

Grayson blushed at seeing your hand holding his

"It's my turn to drive" he said as he handed you a helmet and he put his on

"I know" you pouted while Grayson rolled his eyes playfully

"Just hold onto me tightly sweetheart" he smirked at the nickname he spoke to you, making you tighten your arms around his torso as he drove through the forest

A few minutes later, you both arrived at the bottom of the hill, and got off to walk the way up the hill and sit down to watch the sun set

You handed Grayson a sandwich and a drink, while you took your own in your hand and enjoyed the view

"We've been doing this for a long time now, huh?" asked Grayson as he took a sip from his drink

You nodded, "Yep, it's been a long time, almost makes me feel old" you chuckled

Soon enough you both finished your little picnic and the sky had turned dark, with the stars coming out

"We should get going" whispered Grayson to your tired form resting on his shoulder

"Mmm, carry me" you said as you sat on his lap, making him laugh and get up, carrying you bridal style with the basket in your lap

On the way down, Grayson tripped on a rock, seeing as it was already dark, he couldn't really watch where he was going, and so he tripped with you in his arms as you both rolled down the hill in separate directions

You rolled down the hill in pain, the basket now long lost as you were unable to move from all the scratches you had acquired and unable to call for help

"Y/N! Y/N where are you!" yelled out Grayson as he had only gotten minor scratches and was now looking for you

You heard Grayson but you were unable to move, almost as it your body had paralyzed

After looking for a few minutes, Grayson found you and ran to you

"Y/N! Are you ok?" he asked, he checked for your breathing and you were still alive, he quickly picked you up and ran to the house, forgetting the four wheeler behind

He ran to the house with you in his arms, Ethan was out in the porch, he saw his brother carrying you in his arms, both of you covered in scratches, he immediately got the keys to his car and ran out as Grayson put you in the car and as Ethan drove to the nearest hospital

As soon as you all arrived in the hospital, Grayson ran inside with you in his arms and asked for help and started crying as they saw you being taken away in a hospital bed

"Dammit" he cursed to himself as he was then taken into a different room with his brother by his side so he could have his scratches cleaned

"Miss, could we go see Y/N?" asked Grayson as he looked up at the nurse, his eyes red from crying

"Sure, follow me" spoke the nurse with a sad smile towards Grayson as she took the twins to see you

"She's unconscious for now, but she should wake up in a few hours" spoke the nurse as she left the twins with you

You weren't unconscious, you were wide awake but you were unable to move your body or open your eyes

Grayson held your hand, feeling your cold hand in his made his heart ache

"I'm so sorry" he whispered as he kissed your hand tenderly and then put it up to his forehead, holding it closely

"You ok bro?" asked Ethan as he put his hand on his brothers shoulder

"I messed up E, I should've been more careful, I should've watched my step-"

"It was dark bro, you can't blame yours-"

"But I do! I hurt the person I like the most!" he whispered yelled, "I like her so much, her smile is infectious, her laugh is enlightening, and her eyes sparkle every time you talk to her about something she loves...and I hurt her" he finished as tears started to stream down his face and held your hand to his chest

Ethan couldn't say anything, his brother had just confessed his feelings for someone who had grown up with them, all he could do was pat his brothers back

Your heart fluttered at Grayson's confession, but ached at the same time, not being able to move or speak up and say that you like him too, all you could do was wait until your body decided to become responsive again

Hours later you moved your eyes as you were able to move your whole body again

You turned to the side and saw Grayson laying on the bed, you smiled and patted his head, waking him up slowly

"Y/N" he whispered, but you leaned down and cupped his cheeks and kissed him softly, closing your eyes and feeling the sensation of his lips against yours

"I like you too" you whispered as you pulled away and smiled at him, making Grayson break out in a smile as well and hug you tightly

"I'm just happy you're ok"

Grayson Dolan ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now