On & Off

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A/N: This was a request from @daydreamer33d. Thank you so much for this request, I hope you like it!

b/n= brother's name

"I'm so sick and tired of this, I'm leaving!" you said as you started packing your things in your suitcase, all over again

"Fine by me! And don't bother coming back!" screamed Grayson

"Then don't come looking for me like a lost pup again!" you retorted

As you finished throwing in your clothes and left the apartment they had shared with a slam to the door and heading to the apartment she stayed in with her brother whenever her and Grayson "were finished" with each other

The relationship between you and Grayson was...complicated

There could be days where you both would be lovey dovey and others where you couldn't stand the mere sight of each other, it was an on and off kind of relationship

You weren't sure when the relationship with him had become that way, you loved him but sometimes it's like neither of you go agree on things or put your grudges aside

Which is what led you to the current moment of standing in front of his apartment door with a red slap mark across the face, causing some bruising on your cheek

After breaking up with Grayson again you quickly got into another relationship, wanting to forget Grayson, however it wasn't what you thought it would be

You wouldn't constantly think of Grayson while you were with the other guy and thought of how Grayson would do some things differently

The new guy seemed to notice this and his jealousy took over, making him slap you so hard it knocked you out

When you woke up the next day, you immediately ran to Grayson, looking for comfort and to apologize for all the wrong things you'd done

"What are you doing here?" Grayson asked as he opened the door

Before opening the door he had looked through the peephole of the door

He had seen the mark and was surprised

He wanted to go out there and caress you carefully, but he knew he shouldn't get too attached to you again

After all, he didn't want to act like a lost pup

"G-Gray" you teared up as you explained everything that had happened

"And? What do you want me to do about it?"

"I just-"

"Listen Y/N, I don't care what happened to you, in fact I've never cared, I don't even know why you came back here"

"Is that how you really feel?" you asked Grayson with a sad tone as he just scoffed and nodded

You let the tears stream down your face before turning away and running to your car to go back to your apartment with b/n

Grayson groaned as his heart was aching for having treated you so badly

His heart ached for you, it ached for your love, your kisses, your warmth, it ached for you

Grayson got his keys and drove over to b/n apartment

On the way to the apartment you suffered a panic attack

Your brother helped you to your room and tried to help you control your breathing but he had no idea what to do

"T-Try breathing" your brother said nervously

"I-I'm trying t-to d-do that" you said as you just kept choking on air, making it worse

Grayson ran to the room as he noticed the front door had been unlocked

Grayson looked down and say b/n try to help you as you were sitting on the floor against a wall

He immediately ran to you and took your brother's place as he knew how to help you in these situations

"Match your breathing with me sweetheart" he said as he knew how calling you nicknames helped you

You breathed in and out slowly trying to match your breathing with Grayson's

"Look up at me, in my eyes" he said as he lifted your chin to look into your teary eyed eyes

"There you go, you're doing great love, just look at me, look at my eyes, you've got this, ok? I'll help you through it, I promise"

After you had finally calmed down, your brother went to go get a glass of water for you, leaving you and Grayson alone

Grayson spoke up first as he touched the slight bruise on your cheek, making you flinch, "I didn't mean what I said...I do care about you, I care so much it stresses me out thinking that I can't be enough for you, I want to stay by you for a long time, but I lashed out anger from being stressed and I'm so sorry about that"

"And I'm sorry too...I've also been pretty bad myself, but I want to be with you, I don't want us to end yet" you confessed

Grayson smiled and put his forehead against yours before connecting your lips

Your first kiss together, you first real and full of love kiss

You moved your lips along with his as Grayson became addicted to your lips, bring onto his lap with disconnecting the kiss

The movements made the kiss go even deeper as you both groaned

The make out seasons was short lived as your brother busts through the room with the glass of water

You quickly detached your lips from Grayson's and look at your brother

"I-uh...I'm sorry!" your brother apologized as he quickly left the room

Embarrassed, you hid yourself in Grayson's chest, making him chuckle

"No need to be embarrassed, we'll be doing a lot of that, now that we're together"

"Mmm, I don't remember you asking me to be your girlfriend" you teased

"...Y/N, will you be my girlfriend" he asked he kissed your knuckles gently, making you blush


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