YouTube vs TikTok

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A/N: This is a request from @daydreamer33d. Thank you so much for the request, I hope you like it!

g/e= Grayson's ex name

l/n= last name

"Are you serious right now?!" You screamed at Grayson while you were in your locker room

"She needs me by her side-"

"I need you by my side! You're my best friend! Not hers, she cheated on you and you broke up with her"

"Y/N, you and I have boxed every day and I have been there for you, but she needs me right now"

"If you walk out that door Grayson, I don't know if you and I will be the same again"

Grayson looked at you with sad eyes and walked out the door to support his ex

You, Y/N L/N, a fairly popular YouTuber, was going to go up against g/e a TikToker who had been talking smack about you on social media

Ever since agreements were made for the fight Grayson started helping you train for the fight

He would help train you and give you tips and show you videos of other boxers

But right now, Grayson said he needed to be by her side because she needed the moral support

Which to you, sounded like a whole bunch of bullshit

In moments like these you would probably cry your eyes out, but you couldn't afford that, not now

Instead you channeled all your emotions into anger you would use to beat up g/e

You walked out and were greeted with a bunch of cheers and positive chants

You looked at g/e as she was smirking, knowing that she had taken Grayson into her corner

The bell rung for the fight to commence and g/e charged right at you

You dodged her punches and blocked her kicks as she kept charging at you

You weren't attacking back because you knew that she would tire out from charging at you, dodging attacks saved a lot more energy

Once she was huffing and had become a sweaty mess, you took it as your chance to attack, knowing she wouldn't have the energy to fight back

Upper punch

Right hook

Roundhouse kick

You said in your mind as you attacked until the bell rung, leaving g/e a bloody mess

You went back into your corner to get cleaned off

How could he choose her? How could he choose her over someone he loves and who loves him the most?

You thought again before the bell for the next match begun

The next match was going to be the last one

G/e still had very little energy, from time to time you saw Grayson at the front row cheering on for his ex, enraging you even more

In the next match, you didn't give her any time to attack or evade your attacks

You punched and kicked mercilessly at g/e until she was knocked out and that immediately gave you the win

Roars of cheers and celebration were heard for you

You took the mic that was given to you, "I'd like to thank everyone who was supporting me and who was on my side and also, thank you to the individual who chose the wrong one"

You walk off the ring and head to your locker room to find Grayson outside the door


"Go to hell" you say as the tears finally show in your eyes and start falling down your face as you walked in and Grayson trailing behind you

"Please listen Y/N, I'm sor-"

"You never loved me, did you? I was just a rebound from your ex, because why in the living hell would you choose an ex, who cheated on you, by the way, over someone who loves you more than they love themself? I love you! You didn't believe in me, you just believed in your ex, if you're still hooked on her, then go to her with your bullshit, not to me" you said as you had slipped on a sweater, put your bag over your shoulder and walked out

Grayson was left stunned for a moment, frozen as he had never seen you cry out like that, let alone lash out on him

He certainly didn't expect you to say you loved him, it was only then he realized he also loved you, but was too blind to see it

He shook himself out of it and tried quickly following after you but with all the people and traffic, it took him a while to get back to the shared apartment

As soon as he got there, he noticed your suitcase by the door

He ran to your shared room and saw you staring at a picture frame you and him had, debating if you were going to leave it or not

You looked and saw Grayson standing by the door

You wipe a tear away as you try and get pass him back picks you up and throws you on the bed gently

"What the-" you were about to say until Grayson hovered over you and crashed his lips onto yours, shutting you up

"Please listen to me" he said as he broke away from the kiss, "I'm so sorry, I was an idiot for choosing her over you, I don't know why...I don't know why I did that, but I-I love you Y/N, I love you and more than just a friend, you're always there for, you were there when she broke my heart, you held me in your arms and comfort me and now I realize that I love you too"

" really are an idiot" you chuckled and hugged him, pulling him down onto your body

"Let's go unpack your bags then" he said as he helped her up and got her bags and brought them back to the room to unpack

As you were unpacking, Grayson noticed one of his sweaters in your bag

"Hey, this is mine"

"No, it's mine" you argued although you knew it wasn't yours

"No it's mine"

"Just give it to me" you said as you attempted to grab it but Grayson pulled it away and had reaching over him to get it

He took this opportunity to tickle you as you both fell to the floor while he continued to tickle you

"S-Stop!" You pleaded as you were laughing

Grayson stopped for a moment and caressed your cheek, "be my girlfriend"

You smiled as you nodded and pulled him down for a kiss

Using it as a distraction, you decided to turn him over and tickle him

"Jokes on you! I've won this tickle fight!"

Grayson Dolan ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now