Breast Milk

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"Gray sweetie could you grab the breast milk from the microwave please" you asked you husband as you carried your crying baby in your arms

It had been about five months since you had given birth to a wonderful baby girl, you and Grayson couldn't be any happier, you finally had a family

"Sure" he responded as he got the milk out and brought to you in the living room, smiling as you held the baby in your arms

"Thanks sweetie, can you taste it and make sure it's not too hot?" you asked as you kept rocking your baby in your arms

"What?" he asked confused

"Taste the milk and see if it's warm" you instructed

" want taste your breast milk?" he asked

"Yea, why are you being so weird about it?" you asked frustrated

"Because it's breast milk, it's not like it's almond milk you know"

You scoffed, rolling your eyes and gave Grayson the baby and you tasted the breast milk, Grayson's eyes widening

"You just-"

"Yea, I did just taste my own breast milk, it's not like it's going to kill you Grayson, it taste like normal milk, grow up" you huffed annoyed as you took the baby in your arms again and walked to the room to feed her there

The doorbell ringed and Grayson went to go open it, revealing Ethan and Kristina

"Hey guys, come in" Grayson said as he invited them inside their home, "Y/N is feeding the baby, but she'll be out soon"

"You ok bro?" Ethan asked sensing something was off

"Yea, I think so..."

"Hey guys!" you welcomed Ethan and Kristina as you all took a seat

"Y/N, what's wrong with Grayson, he's acting weird"

"Maybe it's cause he didn't want to try the breast milk for our baby" you reminded Grayson

"Why would you want him to try the breast milk?" Ethan asked lowkey grossed out

"Well, to see if the milk was too hot" spoke Kristina

"Thank you!" you said grateful that someone agreed with your reasoning

"But it's your breast milk" said Grayson

"Would you prefer it be someone else's breast milk?" you asked with an attitude

"N-no, that's not what I meant, what I mean is that, I don't think it's that clean for an adult to drink breast milk" he defended

"Then why is our child drinking my "not so clean" breast milk Grayson, you are so ignorant" you scoffed as you got up

"You can't blame the guy-" started Ethan

"Oh, she can, it is so rude to say that the breast milk isn't clean, that's the food that's keeping your baby alive, there are many other mom's out there who don't give their children a lick of milk, you should be grateful" stated Kristina as she too got up and followed you to the room where your baby was

Ethan and Grayson were shocked that their wives left them in the living room

"What now?" asked Ethan

"We have to apologize" responded Grayson

"Ok, but we both know a simple apology won't be enough"

"You're right...I mean...we could try the breast milk-"

"Gray, I'm not trying your wife's breast milk"

"You're right, I'll take it for the team then, I'll try the breast milk" Grayson sighed as he got up and knocked on the door

"Y/N, Kristina, we apologize for what we said...and too show that we really are sorry, I'll try the breast milk" Grayson said

You quickly opened the door with a devious smile on your face, "Ok Grayson" you stated simply as you got some of the leftover milk the baby left and gave it to him

"You have to drink the rest of what our daughter didn't finish" you said, Ethan now behind Grayson and Kristina behind you

Grayson nodded as he took the bottle to his lips and started drinking the milk, at first it was warm, not a pleasant taste, but soon enough it turned into a delicious taste that he hadn't experienced before, he quickly finished the bottle

"Babe, that was so good!"

"Are you serious Gray?" Ethan asked shocked as Grayson nodded

"Ok...well we'll be leaving now, bye guys" Ethan said as he and Kristina bid their goodbyes

As soon as they left, Grayson ran to the room and tackled you to the bed, pinning your arms above your head

"Gray, honey, what are you doing?" you asked confused

"I want more breast milk"

"There's plenty more in the fr-"

"No, I want it directly from you" he smirked as he kissed your neck, making your face beet red, luckily for you, your daughter had woken up, making you and Grayson both sigh

"Sorry lover boy, maybe next time" you chuckled as you kissed his cheek sweetly

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