Skater Girl

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You've always had a passion for skating, ever since you were a young girl, how fast you could go, the tricks you could do, the jumps in the air, everything that got your adrenaline going fascinated you

Recently there's been a new skate park open in your town, but it was separated by gender, girls on one side, boys on the other. At first you didn't mind, but you once you found out that the girls side was only for skating and no tricks, you became not too happy

It would've been easy to just tell the guy who ran the park to add railings to the girls side, but you lived for adrenaline and decided to instead disguise yourself as a boy and go over to the boys side and compare yourself to them, see how good you really were

The day had finally come for you to disguise yourself as a guy, you put on an oversized shirt and baggy pants and you could hide your hair in your helmet. The plan was simple, go in and skate, try not to talk to anyone because you don't have a deep voice and it should all be good right?

You walked in the moment the boys side of the park opened and you were beyond excited to show off your skills

You did flip after flip after flip and even started practicing new flips you'd been trying out, soon enough the attention was getting put on you and another kid in the park

From what you noticed he has brown eyes and with milk chocolate hair and a very sharp jawline that you, as a girl, deeply admired

"Skaters rally up!" Spoke the person running the park as everyone on the boys side surrounded him

"It's come to my attention that there's two skaters who are really good, so I figured why not have a little competition, whoever wins gets free entry to the park for the rest of the month" he said as he signaled you and the other boy to come to him

"What's your name?" he asked the boy

"Grayson, I'm here with my twin Ethan" he said as he smiled at you, causing your cheeks to turn a tint of red

"And you?" asked the head guy

"Y/-, I mean, umm, Mike, my name is Mike" you stated

"Right, so do you guys agree with a little competition?"

"I'm ok with it if you are" Grayson said signaling you

"Y-yea, I'm down" you said and all the boys cheered all around, a few moments later the rules were stated, the more flips in the air, the more points, seemed simple enough, there would be two rounds, whoever the crowd cheered the loudest for would win

You went first, sliding through the railings first and doing a kickflip, next you did some flips in the air with your board and landed swiftly in front of the crowd, cheering them on to cheer for you more, you were definitely enjoying this

Next went Grayson, he did amazing flips, ones you hadn't seen before, which cause the crowd to cheer loudly for him, next round he started and he was doing well, but the crowd didn't cheer as much this round, next was you, the last round

"Good luck Mike" spoke Grayson and you just nodded and started skating, you started it off easy a simple flip, but you decided to try one of the flips that Grayson had done, and that's where everything went wrong, you didn't get the railing fast enough making hit it head first, making you fall to your side

"Mike!" yelled Grayson as he ran to you, taking off his helmet, he then knelt down next to you and took off your helmet, you were in too much pain to know what was going when you heard gasps all around

"Bro that's a girl"

"What's a girl doing here"

Those were the whispers you heard as soon as your pain started to vanish, you looked up and saw Grayson holding your helmet with a shocked look on his face, he knew

Your eyes widened and you got up quickly and left the park

"Wait!" You heard Grayson say but you didn't listen, you just kept running, you didn't know where to, but you just knew you had to get out of there, you eventually got to the top of a hill and just sat there, watching the sun go down, much like the tears going down your face

"Hey" you heard someone breathe a few feet behind you

"Hi" you answered, not looking back, knowing it was Grayson

"Umm, can I sit with you?" he asked shyly

You shrugged your shoulders as he sat down next to you

"I brought your board...and your helmet" he said putting them down on your lap

"Thanks Grayson" you said still not looking at him with tears still rolling down your face

"So what's your name?"


"Pretty name for a pretty girl" he said with a smile while you just shrugged still sad

"You're a good skateboarder you know, never seen anyone do a lot of the stuff you did back there, when I first got there and you did a flip I was really impressed" said Grayson trying to cheer you up

"Thanks I guess"

"C'mon, cheer up, you were a girl on the boys side, so what? It doesn't matter, honestly it's pretty stupid to have the sides separated if you ask me"

"Maybe it isn't" you said


"Maybe it isn't a stupid idea to have the sides separated, if I would've just stayed on my side then none of this would be happening, I wouldn't have embarrassed myself in front of all the boys at the skate park and I wouldn't have fallen and-" and you were caught off by a pair of lips against your own, you eyes were widened until you melted into the kiss and kissed Grayson back slowly

"If you would've stayed on your side, then I wouldn't have met you, and I wouldn't have noticed how much of a great skater you are...and I wouldn't have been able to kiss you like I just did, so I think there's a positive in that" he whispered with your foreheads pressed together, his hands holding your waist and yours cupping his face

You smiled at his comment, "guess there is a positive then" you said pecking his lips and laying your head on his shoulder watching the sun go down together, with your hands intertwined with each other's like your hearts

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