Hot Day

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A/N: This is a request from @st0rmw1nd. Thank you so much for this request, I hope you like it!

"This heat is unbelievable" you say as you fan yourself with your hand, sitting in the couch next to your boyfriend

"I know, I'm sorry, the AC guy said he could come tomorrow, so we'll just have to bear it for today" Grayson explained as he kissed your forehead

"Then let's at least go into the pool, it's sort of cloudy today anyway it's the heat that's getting to me"

"Sure, you go change while I make some snacks to cool us down"

"You're the best" you smiled and kissed his lips before getting up to change

Grayson went to the kitchen to get out some fruits that he knew you'd like on a hot day and some of your favorite juice for a hot day

"I'm ready!" you say as you walk out and show Grayson your swimsuit

It was a new one you had gotten that accentuated all your curves on the right places

Grayson gulped as it suddenly grew hotter in the room for him

"Th-that's great babe, I'll see you outside then" he spoke nervously as he tried not to pounce at you right there and then

You nodded happily and jumped into the pool, finally feeling refreshed at some coldness

You sat in the inside of the pool, along the side with your eyes closed, enjoying the freshness when Grayson came out and placed a tray of your favorite fruits and juice next to you

"Ahhh, thank you, thank you, thank you!" you squealed, making Grayson smile

"I think I deserve a kiss" he smirked

You smiled as he crouched down to level with you since you were in the pool and he wasn't yet

He leaned in for the kiss with closed eyes while you stepped to the side and since he was already leaning forward, you pulled him easily into the pool

Grayson made a squeal as he realized he was falling in, making you laugh out tears

"Oh geez, that was too funny" you exclaimed as you wiped away your tears, while Grayson shook off the excess water and glared at you playfully

He walked behind you while you grabbed some fruit and hugged you, pressing light kisses on your shoulder

"Mmm, I love you" he said, laying his head on your shoulder

"I love you too" You replied as your turned around

Grayson took this time to let his dirty thoughts of you go wild as he undid the strap that was holding up the top part of your swimsuit

"G-Grayson!" you scolded as you let go from Grayson and held onto your top from the front to prevent it from falling

"What? It's nothing I haven't seen before" he smirked at your flustered state

"Keep it in your pants"

"How can I when my girlfriend looks so beautiful and lavishing right now"

"You're unbelievable, help me tie it up" you chuckled as you turned around to have tie your top

He unwillingly tied your top and then moved his hands to your sides and brought you back against him

"You know, I don't remember the last time you wore a swimsuit this revealing" he said as he smoothed your sides

"Mmm, me either" you said as you closed your eyes and laid against your boyfriend's chest

Grayson started peppering kisses along your neck and shoulder, making you him happily

"I think you would like better with this off" he flirted, tapping your bottom part of the suit

"Mmm, maybe, do you want to take it off for me?" you flirted back as you turned around and batted your eyes at him

Grayson became a flustered state with tinted cheeks as he looked away

"I-I, uh, mmm, I-I" he stuttered which made you laugh

"I knew you were only teasing, cat got your tongue huh?" You smiled

"Geez, I thought you were serious for a moment" he chuckled

Before you could respond a thunder sound roared throughout

"Looks like it's going to rain, we should head back inside" you suggested as Grayson swiftly picked you up, your legs around his waist as he walked out the pool and into the shower with you

"H-Hey, what are you doing?" you asked now in a flustered state

"I don't think I remember how you look under a swimsuit, mind showing me?" he smirked

"Mmm, I don't know if you'll be able to take it"

"Oh trust me baby girl" he whispered into your ear, "I will"

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