Stork Delivery

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A/N: This was a request from @Ameliagc06. She wanted me to continue the stork chapters, so this is the third part of the Storks series! I hope you enjoy and like it, let me know what you think!

s/n= son's name

L/N= last name

d/n= daughter's name

Previously on Stork Approval

"Mommy!" s/n cried as he clung onto you, hugging you tightly, "I'm sorry mommy, I shouldn't have brought you the frog"

You chuckled softly, "it wasn't because of the frog sweetheart, don't worry"

"Then what was it?" Grayson asked

"Well, let's say the storks approved of the baby we ordered" you smiled at Grayson and s/n as Grayson cried from happiness and s/n smiled widely

"We're having another kid, thank god" whispered Grayson as he kissed you

"I'm going to be a big brother! I'm going to be the best big brother mommy, I promise!" s/n said excitedly as you and Grayson chuckled at seeing your son, excited to be a big brother

Eight Months later

"Daddy, why are we at the store so late" yawned s/n to his also tired dad

"Well, your mom was craving some food, and we didn't have it at home, don't worry buddy we'll be quick" said Grayson as he carried his child to the ice cream aisle

About ten minutes later they were driving back home when Grayson received a call from you

"Hey sweetie, we're-"

"I-I'm having contractions!" you screamed from the other end of the line

"W-what? Oh my gosh, I'm right around the corner, don't worry" panicked Grayson as he drove quickly back home

"What's wrong dad?"

"Well s/n, the stork delivery came a little early" spoke Grayson nervously as his son still held onto the tub of ice cream they were going to bring to you

When they got there, you were already outside of the house with the baby bag on the floor as you tried not to hunch over due to the pain you were feeling

Grayson rushed over to your side as he told s/n to take the baby bag and put it in the back

Grayson picked you up carefully as he took you to the car and put you in your seat

"We're going to be ok"

Grayson said as he started the car and left, heading to the hospital

"Buddy, we're going to have to get new ice cream once we come back from the hospital, spoke Grayson to s/n, but he didn't answer

"S/n?" asked Grayson as he turned to look at the back seats a bit, only to find that his son wasn't there

"Oh no" muttered Grayson

"You left our kid?!" you asked irritated as you tried bearing the pain

"I'm turning back, don't worry, he'll be fine"

"Oh my gosh Grayson, who doesn't check to make sure their kid is in the car!" you groaned

Grayson turned the car around quickly and headed home to find his son near the mailbox

Grayson got off quickly and put s/n in the back and buckled him quickly, "Sorry s/n" spoke Grayson quickly as he kissed his forehead quickly and ran to the drivers seat to get to the hospital

"Hi, my wife is having contractions, I think she's-"

"Yes, Miss L/N or Dolan, we have a room for you, this way please" spoke the nurse as she guided you to a room

"I called the hospital before hand, so they knew we were coming" you said in pain

"Sir, we're going to have your wife change"

"Oh, right" said Grayson as he and s/n stood outside the room while you changed into a hospital robe

"My water broke!" you screamed from the other side of the room as Grayson's eyes widened

"What?!" he asked panicked

"We have this under control, the doctor is on her way" spoke one of the nurses as Grayson stayed outside with s/n, not wanting to leave his son alone while you gave birth

"Daddy, where's the stork? I thought it was bringing a baby?" s/n asked curiously while Grayson just chuckled

"It actually flew in through the window, and is giving mommy the baby"

"AHH" you screamed as a contraction hit you really hard

"Why is mommy screaming then?"

"Uhh, mommy...mommy is screaming because-"

Then everyone stopped talking as they heard the sound of a baby cry

Grayson hugged his son tightly as tears streamed down his eyes due to the happiness of hearing a baby cry

"You're finally a big brother s/n" whispered Grayson

"Really daddy?" asked s/n excitedly as Grayson nodded

"Sir, your wife is calling for you and your son" spoke a nurse as Grayson nodded and picked up s/n in his arms, walking inside and seeing your holding the baby you had just given birth to

"Where did the stork go?" asked s/n, making you and Grayson chuckle while Grayson caressed your cheek softly as you leaned into his touch

"The stork had other babies to delivery sweetheart, but look, here's d/n" you said as Grayson sat s/n on the bed with you and Grayson cradled the little newborn in his arms

"She's beautiful, just like here momma" Grayson said, making you smile

"Can I see her daddy?" asked s/n, Grayson nodded as he leaned down to have s/n look at his little sister

"Wow, she's really small!" he said amazed as you smiled at the interaction, slowly feeling sleep taking over you

"Alright buddy, I'm going to put her in her crib, gotta let her sleep ok?"

"Alright daddy" spoke s/n as he yawned and snuggled up in your arms as your patted his head softly

"Thank you, thank you so much" whispered Grayson as he put his forehead against yours, both of you smiling happy

"I love you Gray"

"I love you too Y/N, you and our family"

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