Kpop Star

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A/N: This is a request from @chanyeol_stark. I hope you like this! As per request of the requester, reader is a Kpop Star here.

f/f= favorite food

"Thank you everyone for coming out today! Good night" you spoke through the microphone to the big crowd that had attended your concert

You walked back stage and wiped your face while you looked at the time

"I'm heading out now!" You waved to everyone who helped make the concert possible as you drove back home to the apartment you and your boyfriend shared

"I'm home!" you said as you stepped in and took of your shoes, putting on your slippers

"Y/N!" Grayson spoke happily as he picked you up into a hug

"Careful, I stink, I need to shower" you chuckled as he put you down

"I missed you all day" he confessed as he wrapped his arms around your figure

"But you were out filming today, right? With Ethan, James and Emma?"

"Yea, but that doesn't mean I wouldn't miss you" he said as he followed you to the bathroom

"Ah, ah, this is where I enter the bathroom alone"

"But babe..."

"Can you order some takeout, I'm starving" you said as your boyfriend nodded and you got in the shower

"So how's your schedule like tomorrow" you asked you sat on the couch with Grayson, while eating your favorite food

"I don't have anything going on, I think Emma's going to upload the video we did, but that's it, what about you?"

"Not much going on either, we should just stay in tomorrow, watch a movie or something" you suggested as you finished your food and snuggled into your boyfriend

"That sounds great"

The next day you woke up in your boyfriend's arms with him snuggled into your back, his warmth radiating into your body

"Morning Gray" you whispered as you ran random shapes on his hand

"Mmm, I'm gonna shower" he said as he kissed your cheek and went off to the shower

You took a look at your phone and noticed that it was blown up with news articles and reports about Grayson

You also had fans commenting that you should watch the video Emma had posted

You took a look at the video and that's when you heard what Grayson said in the video

"We start passing out like we're Kpop" Grayson spoke and then fell on James and Ethan

You furrowed your eyebrows and neglected from watching the rest of the video as you thought deeply about what your boyfriend had said

"Y/N, I'm out of the shower" Grayson said as your attention was now to your shirtless boyfriend

"Passing out like Kpop?" You said


"That's what you said yesterday, in Emma's you think it's funny that we pass out from overworking ourselves? Just because we want to give our fans our best?"

"I didn't mean for it to be an insult" he said as he took your tone towards him seriously

"Well it doesn't seem that way to me, and it definitely doesn't seem that way to the other people on the internet who are currently shaming me for having a boyfriend who made fun of Kpop stars while he's dating one" you exclaimed as you put on your shoes

"Where are you going?" he asked worryingly as he reached out for you

"I need...I need to clear my head and I really can't be around you right now" you said before leaving the home

Grayson fell to his knees and covered his face with his hands as he let the tears fall down his face

He hadn't meant for it to be an insult, he thought he was making a mere joke

He took out his phone and realized that he had a lot of hate comments due to the joke of yesterday's video

Not only that but you were also being shamed for being with someone who practically also made fun of you since you're a Kpop Star

You spent the whole day out, trying to distract yourself from the comment your boyfriend made

You saw that he made an apology on Twitter

Some people were receiving it well, but others weren't too fond of the apology

You returned back home after a long day out and noticed there were suitcases by the door

Grayson came into view in the living and paused as he saw you

"What are you doing?" you asked confused

"I-I think it's best if we spend some time together...I don't want more people shaming you for a comment I made-"

"No, you don't get to runaway" you said as you realized your boyfriend was about I leave, "we will get through this together"

"But what I said in the video-"

"I know what you said, and I saw that you apologized...people make mistakes ok, and I forgive you too, even if other people don't, I forgive you"

Grayson dropped the bags he was holding and ran to hug you, embracing you tightly in his arms

"I really didn't mean to offend anyone" he sobbed on your shoulder

You patted his head and hugged him back, "I know baby, I know, but we'll get through this together, I promise"

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