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A/N: This was a request from @-TAYL0RRAE. Thank you so much for this requests and I hope you like it!

d/n= daughter's name

k/n= kid's name

"How are you feeling sweetheart?" you asked your four year old daughter

"Umm, I'm a little nervous" she spoke honestly as she swung her feet from the chair she was sitting on

"It's alright sweetheart, everything will be alright, just you watch, this is the last one" Grayson said as he tried to give d/n some confidence

When d/n was born, she was born with a cleft palate, not to be confused with a cleft lip

About one in every one-thousand seven hundred babies are born with a cleft palate, this happens when the tissue of a babies mouth doesn't join together while the pregnancy stage

The cause is yet unknown as to why this occurs, but some scientists believe it may be due to changes in the genes or what a mother eats during pregnancy

Although the cause is yet unknown, the cleft palate has caused d/n some difficulty when it comes to her speech, making kids in the playground make fun of her

"Are you sure it's the last one?" she asked her dad

"Sure is kiddo, that's what the doctor said"

"Will the k/n stop making fun of me?" she asked

"You shouldn't worry about that sweetheart, you have plenty of other kids who like to play with you" you said a you rubbed her shoulder and she gave you a small nod

"D/n?" spoke a nurse as you and Grayson stood up and walked with d/n over to the nurse

"Will she have to stay overnight this time too?" you asked worried

"Yes, there's a hotel nearby where you can spend the night if you'd like"

"Thank you, please call us if you need anything" spoke Grayson as the nurse took d/n to get her ready for the surgery

You sighed as you laid your head on Grayson's shoulder and he held you to his chest

"She'll be ok, don't worry, she's our little girl, she's super strong" Grayson said as he tried to cheer up your spirits

"I know, but I can't help but worry" you said as you both walked out of the hospital, hand in hand

"I'm worried too, but we have to have faith, the cleft palate is luckily something that can be fixed, that way she won't have speech problems in the future"

You nodded as Grayson drove to the hotel and asked for a room

You and Grayson walked towards the room and you immediately plopped down on the bed, making Grayson chuckle softly as he closed the door

You slipped your shoes off and got under the sheets as Grayson did the same and turned to look at you

"Tell me what's on your mind" he whispered as he removed a piece of hair from your face

"...I just don't want her to grow up thinking she needs everyone's acceptance, you saw how worried she was about k/n accepting her"

"Well, she is still just a child, she'll grow up and learn that you don't need to be accepted by everyone to do whatever you want" he said, "but I'm worried about that too...she's my little princess and I just want her to be happy"

"Oh Gray" you whispered as you hugged his chest, "you know she'll always be your little princess, even when we're old and she's married and with kids, she'll still be our little princess" you said as you made Grayson smile

"We need to get a good nights rest now" he said as you nodded and turned off the lamp light

The next day, you and Grayson woke up early and headed to the hospital, the nurse told you that d/n was in the progress of waking up and that the surgery had been successful

"I'll take you to her now and then the doctor will speak to you guys" said the nurse as she took you to the room d/n was in

"Daddy!" d/n said as she ran to Grayson and hugged him tightly

"Hey sweetheart" spoke Grayson as he lifted her up

"Look daddy, the roof of my mouth is all closed now!" She said happily as she opened her mouth to show Grayson

"Wow, that's really good!" he said as he spun her around and then handed her to to you

"Hi sweetie, are you feeling ok?" you asked as she nodded with a happy smile, making you cry from happiness, "that's so good"

"Don't cry, I'm happy now! No one will make fun of me anymore" d/n said as she tried wiping your tears away while you hugged your little girl tightly

"We're happy too sweetheart, we're happy too" spoke Grayson as he hugged you both, loving the family he was blessed with having

Grayson Dolan ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now