The Talk Show

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A/N: This was a request from @applejuic34. Thank you so much for the request, I hope you like it!

"So you've been single for how long?" asked Ellen as you were on her talk show to talk about your uprising fame

"Umm, I've been single for a while now" you said nervously

"But you are so beautiful, guys must be asking for your number all the time"

"Not really" you chuckled, making the crowd chuckle along with you

"You must have someone you crush on then"

"Yea, I really like the Dolan Twins actually! I've been watching them ever since they started on vine! They are really funny! I really admire them" you spoke proudly of them

"The Dolan Twins? As in the pictures of the twins you have in your instagram page where you photoshopped yourself in to make it look like you had met them?" Ellen said as she pulled the picture up on the screen, making you and the crowd laugh

"Yep, those are the ones, I still can't believe I did that"

"I can't believe you did that either" she agreed, making you and the crowd laugh

In the middle of the laughter, Grayson popped up from the table top on the side, scaring you, while Ethan came up behind you, scaring you again

"Oh-oh my gosh!" you screamed as you stood up and landed on Ellen's lap, surprised that the Dolan Twins were standing right in front of you

"I think you confused me with your seat" spoke Ellen, making the crown laugh as you apologized nervously and stood up

"H-hi" you said shyly, making everyone in the crown aww at your mood in front of the twins

"Aww, don't be shy" encouraged Grayson as he pulled you into his arms and hugged you, adoring you shyness manner

Soon enough your interview ended and you were taken to your dressing to soon be escorted out and be able to go home

A knock on your door came and as you told the person to enter, to your surprise, it was Grayson Bailey Dolan

"Hey there Y/N"

"Y-You know my name?" you asked shocked, making Grayson chuckle

"Of course I know your name, you are pretty famous nowadays, anybody who doesn't know your name, clearly doesn't know what social media is" he said, making you smile

" what are you doing?"

"Oh I-uhh..." he said as he stood nervously in front of you, scratching the back of his head, "I wanted to know if I could have your phone we could hangout sometime, like go get coffee or something"

"Oh, yea, that'd be great! We should go out some time" you said excitedly as you took out your phone and gave it to him so he could put his number in

"Are you free this Saturday maybe?" he asked

"Umm, I should be free this Saturday" you said as you thought back to your schedule

"That's great! I-I mean...that's good...would you maybe want to go out this Saturday then, with me? Around five o'clock?"

"Like a date?" you asked with a blush, making Grayson also blush at the word date

"W-Well yea...but it doesn't have to be a date if you don't want to!" he said rapidly making you giggle

"Y/N, it's time to go" spoke your manager as you nodded at her and then looked back at Grayson

"It's a date then" you said as Grayson handed you your phone and you took a step towards the door but paused

Feeling bold, you turned around quickly and gave Grayson a quick kiss on the cheek before dashing away, leaving Grayson dumbfounded by the kiss you had given him

Saturday came along and your date with Grayson had gone great, despite the events that had taken place

It was supposed to be a shiny day out, but the shiny day soon turned into an unexpected rainstorm, with you and Grayson having nowhere to take cover from the rain

However, you enjoyed being able to have fun in the rain and dance in the rain with Grayson, despite getting sick the next day, it was a perfect first date

After that came more and more dates, until Grayson had finally asked you to be his girlfriend, which you happily agreed to

A year later, the twins were on the Ellen Show as they talked about going on tour again

"So I hear you and Y/N got together Grayson" spoke Ellen as Grayson nodded with a smile

"We did yea, it's all thanks to this show that we were able to meet, I had known of her from social media but had never met her" he explained

"What was your guy's first date like?"

"Well, we-" he said but suddenly got scared by you popping out of the table besides Grayson, giving him a big scare and making you laugh really hard

"Oh my gosh" Grayson sighed as you just tackled him into a hug

"I had to get you back for scaring me somehow" you chuckled, making the crowd laugh along as well

"And that's it for today folks, we'll end it with the lovely couple we brought together, thanks so much for watching!"

Grayson Dolan ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now