Feeling Better

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A/N: This was a request! Thank you so much, I hope I got the request how you expected it to be and I hope your week becomes better! :)

If this week could be described as anything, it would be described as shit, plain and simple

Your school work was becoming more and more difficult every day, if you didn't understand something you would try to ask a question about it, but the teacher would immediately move on to the next the next part of the lesson

Stressing you out for not being able to absorb as much knowledge fast enough, this in turn made you extremely upset, you tried not to think of it too much, but it didn't work

Luckily, your boyfriend Grayson was around, he was there for moral support since he didn't know much about the subject you were being taught at the moment

Later in the week you and your friend had agreed to go out to the movie for a girls night out, in the end when you got to the theatre, turns out she ditched you to watch the movie with a guy she had just met

You couldn't believe the audacity she had to go watch a movie you've been wanting to watch for weeks now, with someone else, it boiled your blood

Luckily, Grayson was able to pick you up and bring you home to the apartment you both shared

He knew not to bother you when you were angry, because then you would lash out, so he did small things like help tidy up the apartment more, or do the laundry and the dishes that way you didn't have to worry about them later

To finish the week off, a test you had taken two weeks ago, which you had spent hours upon hours studying for, turned out you failed it

You looked at your grade through your computer screen since the teacher had uploaded the grades, and just looked at it, the failing grade

You were so emotionally drained, you felt as if you've gone through so much, you just couldn't take it anymore, your sadness seeped in and you felt like crying, but you just couldn't

"Hey babe, I made hot chocolate" Grayson said proudly as he walked in and set down your cup of hot chocolate in front of you, but you didn't react

Grayson looked at you, then looked at your screen and sighed seeing your grade result for the test you had studied so hard on

He set down his hot chocolate and sat on the floor, taking your hand in his and pulling you down to him, setting you in his lap, hugging you tightly

"Y/N" he called but you couldn't say anything, your mind was blank

"That test doesn't define you, it's just one test, there will be plenty more to come ok" he whispered into your ear as he hugged you tightly rubbing his hands up and down your back to calm you

You may not show that you were emotionally drained, but Grayson knew you better than anyone, he knew when you needed a confidence boost, and now was one of those moments

"You're so strong too and so determined, you always finish your work even when you don't understand it, you always look for a way to understand it and that's amazing" he cooed into your ear, finally hearing your quiet sobs come out,

You needed this, you needed to cry, you needed to release all the pent up stress somehow, and Grayson was always amazing at helping you do that, at helping your emotions flow freely

"Sometimes I ask myself how you do it all, your school work, the studying, cleaning up around the apartment, doing the laundry, you do so much, I can't begin to express to you how cool and astounding that is my love" he finished, pulling you back to look at you

He wiped your tears with his thumbs, smiling softly as you looked at him teary eyed

"T-thank you Grayson" you whispered as you pecked his lips before pulling back into a hug

"Now, how about I go heat up this chocolate again and I'll see how I can help you study, yea?" he asked

You nodded rapidly as you set up your work books and textbooks, organizing everything

You and Grayson spent the night studying away, in between the studying you shared moments of laughter and smiles

The next morning you woke up with Graysons arms wrapped around you warmly, you had gotten an email on your phone

You checked and it was an email from your teacher saying that they had accidentally uploaded someone else's test to your grades and that you had actually passed the test with flying colors

You squealed with happiness, waking up Grayson to tell him the good news, it felt like you had just won the lottery, Grayson even offered to take you to your favorite restaurant to celebrate all your hard work and effort, which of course you agreed to because who would pass on spending quality time with your favorite human while eating your favorite food?

Definitely not you, because it was your favorite person who helped you feel better

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