Stormy Weather

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"So, el libro es azul, would translate to what?" you asked Grayson trying to help him improve his skills in Spanish. You and him were in the same class, but he was failing miserably, so you were assigned to be his tutor

Right now you were in his home helping him finish his Spanish homework and starting to study for next week's Spanish exam, the weather outside wasn't too pleasant, it was raining with thunder and strong winds, it was practically dark outside and it was only five o'clock

"Ok, so libro is a book? And azul is blue, so...el libro es azul is the book is blue?" he asked not confident in his answer

"Are you sure?" you teased, knowing that he was right


"Yea! You're right! Good job Grayson, see, it's not that bad" you said putting away the worksheets and getting out the study guides for the exam

"Ok, let's study for the exam" you said

"How about we eat first? We could order some pizza" suggested Grayson

"Sure, if you want, where's your family by the way? I thought they'd be here by now"

"Oh, you're right, here you call for the pizza and I'll call them and see what's up" Grayson said handing you the home phone to order some pizza while he called his family, however the pizza people told you that they couldn't go out in this type of weather

"Well, looks like because of the weather we can't get pizza" you chuckled

"And my family isn't coming back anytime soon, they're stuck at the restaurant because of the weather, apparently there's a flood warning too-" Grayson said but was cut off with the lights going out

"And now the lights are out" Grayson chuckled, you however, were a bit scared because you weren't a big fan of stormy weathers, and you especially weren't a big fan of the dark

"Hey, you ok Y/N?" Grayson asked sensing your uneasiness

"Y-yea, I umm, I'm just not a fan of storms, or darkness, it scares me" you confessed, and then felt someone grab your hand which freaked you at first until you noticed it was Grayson

"I won't let anything happen to you, you're safe with me" he whispered as you felt him close to your person

"So, umm, do you have flashlights so we can study?" you asked breaking the silence, Grayson smiled to himself and went to his drawer to get two flashlights, handing you one

"Thanks Grayson" you smiled at him once you had turned on the light, but suddenly lightning hit really close to Grayson's home, making you jump and hide in Grayson's chest

Grayson just chuckled and put his arms around you protectively, "how about we take a break for now? I'll get some snacks from downstairs and you just sit here on the bed while I get them ok?" he asked

"Will you be gone for long?" you asked, scared to be alone for long

"Not long, princess, I'll be quick" he said heading out the door while you blushed at the nickname he used with you

You climbed onto the bed and patiently waited with a smile on your face thinking back to Grayson, you always admired his kindness and gentleness with people, he was always so sweet to you and always worked hard to get to where he wanted to get to, but your thoughts were interrupted when another lightning hit which made you yelp and hide under the covers

You heard footsteps running up the stairs and into the room, "Hey, I'm here Y/N, I'm here" Grayson said uncovering your shaking self and bringing you onto his his lap and hugging you close to his chest, rubbing your back up and down to calm you down
"I brought snacks" he said still holding you in his arms

"Can we stay here for a while instead" you said quietly, hugging Grayson tightly

"Y-yea, do you uh, wanna lay down?" he asked, and you nodded getting under the sheets with Grayson's arm around your waist, with you on your side facing him, and your head on his chest, listening to his heartbeat

"H-hey Y/N?"

"Hi Grayson" you chuckled

"So...there's this girl I kinda like, but I don't know how to ask her out" he said, and to that you immediately got up from his chest and distanced yourself from him, sitting up on the bed

"Ok..." you said as Grayson got up on his elbows facing you

"How do I ask her out?"

"Well," you started, "every girl is different, some like cute little things like flowers or chocolates, while others like myself, just like it straight to the point, maybe just kiss them or something to show them you like them, or give them a cute name and stuff-" and as you were finishing, you were cut off by a pair of lips on yours

You were shocked at first, being that there were lips on yours, and hands on your waist holding you close, but you quickly realized it was Grayson who was kissing you and holding you close, you cupped his cheeks and kissed him back quickly, syncing up with his lips against yours

You were breathless and broke the kiss, leaning your forehead against his, both of you breathing heavily, Grayson pecked your lips twice before going down to your neck and immediately finding your sweet spot, making you moan out his name

"G-Gray" you stuttered out while Grayson softly bit down on your sweet spot, but soon the moment was over when thunder rung, widening your eyes and hiding under the covers again making Grayson chuckle at your cuteness

"I won't let anything happen to you princess" he said as he got under the covers with you, kissing your temple



"I like you too" you said turning towards his and leaving a long kiss against his lips before cuddling into his chest sleeping the night away

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