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((IMAGINE THIS IS ADDISON & BRYCE)) Addisonraee: Felt so good to finally be able to hug you and see you in person @brycehall

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Addisonraee: Felt so good to finally be able to hug you and see you in person @brycehall. And for picking me up from the airport. ☺️
Madi: Cuties
Addison: We're just friends!! ^^
Dixie: New couple alert
Addison: Best friends ^^
Charli: This is so cute, but can't wait to see you and start the fun.
Addison: see you in a few hours ^^
Bryce: It was my pleasure anything for a beautiful girl like you ❤️
Addison liked Bryce's comment
Addison: aww ^^
Braddison: YAS I've been waiting for this day for so long and it's finally here.
Addison & Bryce liked braddison's comment.
Braddisonupdates: They look more than friends to me anybody else.
Bryce: 🤫 ^^
Addison & Bryce liked braddisonupdates's comment.
Hater: Two toxic people.
User123: My life is complete.
Addison & Bryce liked user123's comment
Kourtney: So happy you are in LA hope to hang while you are here.
Addison: Totally I'll let you know what day works^^
Sunshineaddison: Since when Addison and Kourtney hanged out?
Addison: It'll be a few times we hanged out before ^^
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Addison's POV
I am currently waiting for my luggage at baggage claim with Bryce. And I have to admit he's good looking in person but we all knew that didn't we. As I was about to grab my bag when I saw it, Bryce grabs it for me.
Addison: I would have grabbed it.
Bryce: I know but I'm just being a gentleman.
Addison: *smiles* Thank you!
Bryce: Are you ready to go? We can grab lunch before I drop you off at your friend's house?
Addison: Yeah I'm starving
As they were going outside of the airport they got spotted by the paparazzi and they were questioned left and right but ignored all the questions and hurried up to Bryce's car then left to go eat at a restaurant.

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