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8 Months Later

Addison's POV:
It's been about eight months since I've moved to New Jersey and my life has been great. I've made new friends here even though they knew who I was but they promised me they wouldn't tell anyone that I was pregnant. I am eight months pregnant which is crazy that I'm at the end of my pregnancy it went by so fast. I loved living here in New Jersey because I didn't have to worry about any paparazzi following me every time I went out to do an errand like back in LA. I haven't talked to my parents or my brothers. They tried calling me when they found out I moved out of my apartment but I never answered any of my calls from them and they had given up on me calling them back or texting them back. I didn't even say goodbye to them when I left California. Now, about Bryce, I haven't talked to him ever since I had broken up with him. I had blocked him on my social media because he's been hanging out with this girl named Riley and he seemed happy and she was glad that he was finally getting the happiness he deserves. Especially since she couldn't give him that. He doesn't know about me being pregnant still and I would like to keep it like that because I don't want him to mess up what he has going with Riley.

Dixie had visited Addison a couple of weeks ago to throw Addison a gender reveal party to find out the gender. Dixie did an amazing job at throwing the perfect gender reveal party ever and Addison was so grateful for having Dixie in her life even if they don't live in the same state they have kept in contact with each other after Addison had left California. Dixie had invited to the party Addison's new friends she had in New Jersey and Dixie had gotten along with them and Addison was glad her new friends got along with Dixie.

Addison did have tears of joy after finding out what the gender was of her baby. She couldn't believe how much love she already had for her child who hasn't been born yet. But she knows she'll love her baby, even more, when she gives birth. Addison was so happy to find out that she was having a baby girl...

Dixie had come to visit Addison again and this time Charli had come to New Jersey as well this time. So they can help Addison finish the nursery.

Charli: Addi, are you excited for the baby to finally be here?
Addison: I am, I can't wait to meet my baby girl.
Dixie: *smiles* I'm so happy for you.
Addison: Thank you.
Charli: I can't wait to meet her.
Addison: I think she'll love you guys so much.
Dixie: We'll be the best aunties ever.
Addison: I know you guys will.

They finish painting the nursery pink. While the rest of the nursery was already finished all the furniture was built. When she first moved here to New Jersey she had accidentally bumped into a guy named Sean. They had gotten a little close with each other after a few weeks of hanging out together. Then after a few months, they had gotten more closer with each other and he had helped her build the crib and the other furniture.

Dixie: So, when do we meet your new boyfriend? *smirks*
Addison: He's not my boyfriend we've just been hanging out. *smiles just thinking about him*
Charli: You're blushing that means you like him.
Addison: Guys stop he probably doesn't want to be with me because I'm having a kid.
Dixie: How do you know? Did he say anything?
Addison: He's talked about being in my daughter's life like it's his own.
Dixie: See he does want to be with you even if you are going to be a mom.
Addison: Yeah...
Charli: So, can we meet him?
Addison: Okay, I'll ask him if he can come over to meet you guys.
Dixie: Yay!

Addison texts Sean if he wanted to come over and meet two old friends but said it's okay if you don't want to. Sean replied with, of course, I would love to meet them I'll see you at six beautiful.

Addison: He'll be here at six.
Charli: I can't wait to meet him.
Dixie: Same.
Addison: *smiles* You guys are so obsessed with my love life.
Dixie & Charli: We are your best friends of course we are.
Addison: *giggles* You guys will like him.
Dixie: I'm glad you are happy again Addison.
Addison: I am happier than I have ever been.

Hope you guys liked this chapter. Addison has a crush on Sean. Bryce has a crush on Riley. Will Addison and Bryce ever cross paths again?

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