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Addison is sending on the cliff on the edge looking down getting ready to jump and she has tears.

Addison: I'll always love you Amelia mommy will never forget you.

Addison closes her eyes and is about to jump when Monty comes running up to her and pulls her back away from the edge of the cliff. Addison was confused and she opens her eyes to see her dad there.
Addison: Dad? What are you doing here?
Monty: I came to save you from ending your life.
Addison: But, how did you know that I was going to kill myself?
Monty: Bryce called me and told me. He said something about watching Amelia. Who's Amelia?
Addison: That's your grandchild.
Monty: You had a daughter?
Addison: Yeah, that's why I left three years ago that's the time when I broke up with Bryce and broke my heart for doing that, and two days after that I found out I was pregnant with his kid and I knew I had to leave California without saying goodbye to anyone including you and mom. *cries*
Monty: You might think we hate you but we don't. Your mother and I were so worried about you and we missed you every single day that went by.
Addison: You guys don't hate me that I haven't spoken to you guys in over three years. Even that I didn't tell you guys I was pregnant.
Monty: Of course not sweetie.
Addison: I'm sorry.
Monty: It's okay I forgive you. I don't want you to kill yourself. You are my only daughter and I will miss you like hell knowing that you killed yourself.
Addison: I didn't want to end my life but I thought it was for the best for Bryce and Amelia.
Monty: They need you in their life no matter how hard life gets.
Addison: *hugs him*
Monty: *hugs back* let's go take you home and you can tell me what happened to your cheek.
Addison: Okay.

Monty and Addison leave in the same car going back to Bryce's place while Monty is going to go back for Addison's car later that day. Addison told him what had happened to her and how she got with this guy named Sean and she thought they were in love but he was just using her and had a wife. Monty couldn't believe what Addison had told him. Then after she told him about Bryce and she doesn't know what to do with the feelings she has for him again. After Addison told him everything they reached Bryce's place.

Bryce's POV:
I had just put Amelia down for a nap and not going to lie I'm nervous as fuck waiting to see if Monty is going to be able to stop Addison from taking her own life. I didn't want her to be gone because that is the love of my life and it will always be for the rest of my life. I was walking down the stairs when I heard the front door open and I ran down the rest of the stairs I had left and I saw Monty and Addison walk in. I ran to Addison and pulled her into a hug.

Bryce: I'm glad you are okay.
Addison: I'm here.
Bryce: Thank you Monty so much.
Monty: Of course, I should get going though but we should have a family catch-up day and so I can spend some time with my granddaughter.
Addison: That sounds nice. I love you dad say hi to mom Lucas and Enzo for me.
Monty: I will. Love you too.

Monty leaves and closes the front door.

Bryce: *still hugging Addison and hiding his face on her neck*
Addison: *hugging back and feels something wet on her neck* Are you crying?
Bryce: *has a few tears and nods*
Addison: Hey, I'm okay I am not going to leave again I know that you need me and Amelia needs me.
Bryce: I was just so scared I was going to lose you.
Addison: But, I'm here standing right in front of you.
Bryce: Please, don't ever do that again, I can't lose you.
Addison: I promise I will never do something like that again.
Bryce: Amelia is asleep.
Addison: Okay. *wipes his tears away*
Bryce: *lifted Addison so he's carrying her go upstairs to his room*
Addison: *her bruise on her stomach hurts and tries not to show she's in pain*
Bryce: *puts her on the bed*
Addison: I know you said that I made you believe I was still in love with you but the truth is I've always been in love with you. Even when I was with Sean I still had that part of love in my heart for you.
Bryce: I'm in love with you always have been.
Addison: *kisses him*
Bryce: *kisses back enjoying the kiss*

Hope you guys liked this chapter.

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