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Bryce's POV:
It's been about eight months since Addison has broken up with me and broke my heart. It was hard for me to live without her for the first two months of our breakup. But I've realized after those two months I would never see her again or be with her again. I had to accept that and I had to move on from her. I was hanging out with the guys, going to parties, and doing YouTube I was quite busy and keeping myself entertained. I had made new friends throughout the last eight months. I've had gotten close with this girl named Riley about two months ago. And we still talk to this day and I've been so happy in my life. I haven't thought about Addison for the last three months and it feels great and my feelings had started to fade for Addison when I started to talk to Riley because she's so easy to talk to. Riley is an amazing incredible sexy and beautiful woman.

The guys have meet Riley and they absolutely love her and they always love when she comes over to Sway. Blake, Noah, and Josh's first expression of Riley was great they thought she was a perfect match for me. They have gotten along really well and Riley comes over usually every single day. Sometimes she even spends the night with me and sleeps in my bed with me and if she forgets to bring some clothes with her I let her use some of my clothes to wear while she's at sway.

Now, about my mom, everyone knew that she was a big fan of Addison and me but she was pretty upset when I told her what happened between us that Addison didn't fully trust me and thought I cheated on her when I didn't. My mom even unfollowed Addison's family and even Addison on Instagram. Addison even started a Twitter war and shit during our breakup and I was sick of it and after a while, she had blocked me on Instagram and Twitter. I had blocked her number from my phone because I didn't want that bad shit in my life anymore. I finally found somebody who can fully trust me and who doesn't think I'm a bad boy. I was happy with Riley and I wanted to keep it that way.

I wish Addison the best I do but I just know now that we aren't meant to be together like I thought we were when we first started dating in our relationship.

I was currently on my way to lunch to meet up with Riley and every time I would hang out or be seen out with Riley the paparazzi would freak. I get to saddle ranch and see Riley waiting by the front door waiting for him.

Bryce: Hey gorgeous. *smiles*
Riley: *smiles* Hi
Bryce: *kisses her cheek*
Riley: *smiles even more*
Bryce: Let's go eat *holds her hand and goes inside the restaurant*
Riley: *holds his hand and follows him*

The waiter shows them their table and gives them both a menu and leaves.

Bryce: What are you getting to eat?
Riley: Probably the steak like always *giggles*
Bryce: *smiles* I will never get over your laugh or smile.
Riley: Bryce... *blushes and covers her face*
Bryce: It's true

They order their food and their drinks while they wait Bryce holds her hand across the table.

Riley: You know I will never break your heart right.
Bryce: Of course I do.
Riley: I just wanted to make sure you knew after what happened with your last relationship.
Bryce: You are way different than my ex trust me.
Riley: I do have major feelings for you.
Bryce: I do too.

Riley leans over the table and leaves a kiss on his lips before they get their food and enjoy their lunch together knowing that their relationship is the best for both of them and they head to sway after having lunch together and Riley was going to spend the night with Bryce.

Hope you guys liked this chapter. Is Bryce just in denial or did he truly move on like Addison did? Will he ever find out that Addison had his child?

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