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After many hours later Addison gets back home from being at the park clearing her head and trying to figure out how to sneak out when Bryce and Amelia are sleeping for the night. Since she will be skipping town and never coming back to California again. She slowly closes the front door because she doesn't know where they are.

Bryce: There you are. Where were you?
Addison: I was clearing my head that was it.
Bryce: I was calling you.
Addison: My phone was dead I'm so sorry.

Addison heads upstairs and puts her phone to charge while she heads into the bathroom to take a shower. She takes her hair out of the ponytail and walks over to the shower and turns on the water to warm. She closes the bathroom door and undresses herself. She goes into the shower and she cleans her hair.

While Addison is in the shower, Bryce walks into the bathroom and he undresses himself and he goes into the shower behind Addison and kisses her neck.

Addison: Bryce what are you doing?
Bryce: showing you how much I missed you.
Addison: Right, after you called me a bitch and a brat. Nice try.
Bryce: Look I'm sorry for calling you those names but it seems like you don't love me anymore.
Addison: Of course I love you.
Bryce: You're not showing me that you love me.
Addison: Then what do you want me to do to prove to you?
Bryce: *kisses her neck again and puts her hand on his dick*
Addison: I'm not ready for that Bryce and you should know that after what happened to me. *moves her hand away*
Bryce: *sighs and just gets out of the shower and puts his clothes back on*

Bryce leaves the bathroom and Addison finishes up her shower before getting out and getting some comfy clothes on. Addison closes the shower door and puts her hair in a towel and puts on some leggings with a sweatshirt.
After a while, she takes off the towel and brushes out her hair, and puts some hair products in.

She heads back downstairs into the kitchen to make some food since she hasn't eaten all day long. She gets some leftover Chinese from last night and she warms it up while she waits she goes on her phone. The microwave is done so she gets the food out and goes to the kitchen table and eats it. Bryce is going to take Amelia to bathe her and put her to sleep.

Amelia: Can I say good night to mommy? *looks at Bryce*
Bryce: Yeah you can sweetie.
Amelia: *walks over to Addison* Goodnight mommy I love you.
Addison: Goodnight sweetheart I love you *kisses her head*
Amelia: *hugs her*
Addison: *hugs back and sighs knowing this is the last night she'll see her*

Amelia goes upstairs with Bryce while Addison finishes her food and she throws away the trash and goes upstairs. She walks into the bathroom and stands by the door.

Addison: I can give her a bath tonight and put her to sleep.
Bryce: Are you sure?
Addison: Yeah I got it.
Bryce: Okay call me if you need help. *kisses Addison's head*
Addison: Okay I will.

Bryce leaves the bathroom and goes to their bedroom while Addison gives Amelia a bath and gets her ready for bed. After the bath she gets Amelia into her pj's and into her bed. Addison reads her a bedtime story and by the time she finishes the book, Amelia had fallen asleep. Addison closes the book and she puts the blanket on her and kisses Amelia while whispering I love you I'll never forget you, my sweet girl. I'm going to miss you so much but daddy will take care of you. She wipes her tears and leaves Amelia's room with the door closed.

Addison heads back downstairs and watches tv for quite some time until it's around ten at night. She turns off the tv and she goes upstairs into her and Bryce's bedroom to see him sleeping on the bed with the tv on. She quietly grabs her suitcases and she fills them up with as many clothes as she can. She packs her other things as well and zips up the suitcases and sighs. After she's done packing she walks over to the bed and looks at Bryce.

Addison: *touches Bryce's hair* I'm sorry I have to do this. I know you'll hate me for doing this again to you but it's the right thing to do. I'm so sorry for being a bitch and a brat these last couple of weeks but it's been rough. I have always loved you so much and I will always for the last of my life even though you probably won't see me again. You always brought happiness and joy into my life and I'm so grateful I had a life with you. But I have to go and be on my own. I want you to move on with your life find a woman who will love you and spend the rest of their life with you. Please take care of our sweet Amelia for me. I will miss you guys deeply. I love you. *crying and kisses his head*

Addison grabs the suitcases and goes downstairs and puts them in her car and goes back inside to get her purse she looks around the house one more time until she closes the front door and goes inside her car and drives off. Addison is devastated that she's pregnant with Sean's baby but she's still growing a human inside her that she will love no matter what though it wasn't what she planned and how the circumstances came about.

Addison: Here we come New York and to our new home baby. *touches her stomach and drives away*

Hope you guys liked this chapter. Addison left town again. Will she be back? Or will she never see Amelia and Bryce again? The next chapter is the last chapter of this story. 😭 stay tuned for the very last chapter of the story.

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