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Bryce's POV:
I was in my room hanging out with Riley cuddling with her and talking about stuff when my phone rang and I looked over to see who it is and was curious as to why Charli was calling him. I didn't want to answer it but I sat up and answer my phone.

(On The Phone)
Charli: Hello?
Bryce: Hey what's up?
Charli: I know I'm going to get hated after this and telling you this.
Bryce: Tell me what?
Charli: Addison is in labor with your child.
Bryce: How? That's not possible.
Charli: She found out a couple of days after she broke up with you and after that, she moved to New Jersey.
Bryce: I'm sorry but it's not mine I have to go.
Charli: So, you're not even going to come.
Bryce: She's better off without me.
Charli: I was talking about the baby.
Bryce: He or She will be better without me as well.
Charli: Okay whatever.
Bryce: I found love again and I don't want to miss this amazing relationship I have going on.
Charli: She's in a relationship too for your Information.
Bryce: Bye

(End Of Phone Call)

Bryce sighs and puts his phone down and overthinks. Riley sees he's in a different mood.

Riley: You okay?
Bryce: Yeah.
Riley: Who was that on the phone?
Bryce: Charli
Riley: Oh.
Bryce: She's claiming that Addison is going into labor with my child.
Riley: And you don't believe her?
Bryce: No, I don't think it's true.
Riley: Well have you seen Addison after the breakup?
Bryce: Nope.
Riley: I don't know.
Bryce: Let's just forget about it and we can go back to cuddling.
Riley: You should go to New Jersey and find out if she is in labor or had your child.
Bryce: But what about us?
Riley: I will be there with you and I'm not going to leave your side I want to be in this relationship with you.
Bryce: Okay. I guess we are going to New Jersey.

Bryce books two plane tickets to New Jersey and he packs a carry-on bag and Riley packs some of her clothes since she's going with him. They head to the airport and get ready for their flight.

(Back with Charli and Dixie)

They are both in the waiting room while Addison is in the room with Sean. Dixie is curious about who Charli called. They are both sitting in the chairs waiting until Sean comes out or Addison's doctor.

Dixie: Who did you call Charli?
Charli: Bryce.
Dixie: Why would you call him for? Don't tell me you told him about the baby?
Charli: I did... *plays with her rings*
Dixie: Why would you do that? Addison is going to be pissed at you.
Charli: I just thought it was time for him to find out.
Dixie: You should have never told him. She's with Sean now she's very happy in her life right now. She even said that Sean was going to love her daughter like it's his own. You had no right to call Bryce Addison even made us promise not to tell anyone.
Charli: I just felt bad for him not knowing.
Dixie: Whatever.
Charli: *sighs*

(With Addison In The Room)

Addison is currently having her baby and she's so tired that she can't push anymore.

Doctor: Come on! You are almost done.
Addison: *nods*
Sean: You're doing great baby *kisses her hand while holding her hand*
Addison: *takes a deep breath and starts to push hard*
Doctor: Two more big pushes and your baby daughter will be here.

After two big pushes, Addison lays her head on the pillow and a few seconds later she hears loud cries.

Sean: You did amazing.
Doctor: Do you want to cut the umbilical cord?
Sean: *walks over and cuts it*
Doctor: We'll get her cleaned and you can hold her after.
Addison: Thank you.
Sean: *kisses Addison's head*

The doctor cleans up the baby and does what she needs to do and heads the baby to Addison to hold her.

Doctor: Congratulations you two.
Addison: Thank you.
Sean: Thank you.
Addison: *holds her baby and has a few tears* she's beautiful
Sean: She is just like you.
Addison: *smiles*
Sean: What are you going to name her?
Addison: Amelia Claire Rae
Sean: That's a beautiful name *smiles*
Addison: Look if this is too much for you then you don't have to stick around.
Sean: I want to be here with you and Amelia. I love her and I love you.
Addison: You love me?
Sean: Yes I've loved you since the day I met you.
Addison: I love you too *they share a kiss*
Sean: Can I hold her?
Addison: Of course. *smiles and hands him Amelia*

A few seconds after the door opens up and Bryce runs in there with Riley.

Addison: What are you doing here?
Bryce: I'm here to see my child.
Addison: How did you find out?
Bryce: Charli called.
Addison: *mad* of course she did.
Bryce: I didn't believe it at first but then I started to think about it and I figured it out.
Addison: You don't have to worry about anything with your baby girl Sean is going to be there for me and Amelia.
Bryce: No, I'm not going to let this dude parent my child.
Addison: Well it's not your choice Bryce, so just leave.
Bryce: No, I'm not leaving... until I see my daughter.

Hope you guys liked this chapter. Charli told Bryce 👀. What will happen between Bryce and Sean?

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