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Addison has been missing four days now and every day she has gotten raped by the guy that kidnapped and Sean finally showed himself and they rape her at different times of the day whenever they want. Addison is so weak from being tied up and getting raped a lot. She has no energy to fight or to even try to escape. She misses her daughter so much even though the last time she saw Amelia was when she was mad at her after refusing to go to bed and when Amelia kicked her. Addison has bruises all over her body and she has lost a lot of weight since they haven't been feeding her. She has a feeling that she's going to die.

Sean has been stalking Addison ever since they broke up and waited for the right moment to take her away from Bryce and Amelia. His plan worked perfectly since she was alone and he didn't have to hurt Bryce or her daughter after all even though he wanted to hurt them since they took Addison away from him. He is currently putting some food together for Addison. After he prepares it he unlocks the door from the room she's in and goes inside closing the door behind him.

Sean: I brought you some food.
Addison: *weak* I don't want your food I would rather die.
Sean: Oh, Addison you're making this harder when it shouldn't be.
Addison: Why are you doing this? You were the one that was using me when we were together.
Sean: I wanted my revenge after Bryce stole you from me.
Addison: You were using me! You had a damn wife! *yells*
Sean: DON'T YOU RAISE YOUR VOICE AT ME! *slaps her hard*
Addison: Fuck you.
Sean: Oh, I could take you right here if you would like. *touches her body*
Addison: Get away from me.
Sean: I'll come back later and have some fun *puts his hand under her shirt and touches her boobs and squeezes them*
Addison: You disgust me I can't believe I ever dated you.
Sean: I'll be back later *smirks and gets up*

Sean leaves the room and locks the door after he leaves and he left the food in the room with Addison. She starts to cry knowing that she will never get out of here. She keeps telling herself save me Bryce I need you.

(With Bryce)

Bryce has been miserable not knowing where Addison is. He blames himself for her being gone since he was the one who started the argument between them the night she left. He hasn't slept at all knowing that Addison can be anywhere in the world and he couldn't do much because he's watching Amelia and he must say that she has been acting out more since Addison has been gone.
Bryce was making lunch for Amelia but she didn't want him to make her food she just wants her mom.

Amelia: I WANT MOMMY!!! *jumping on the couch*
Bryce: *sighs* Baby I told you she's not here right now.
Bryce: I know you do but she's on a work trip.
Amelia: When will she be back?
Bryce: I don't know sweetheart.
Amelia: *starts crying* I miss mommy! I just want to see her. She hates me because I hurt her.
Bryce: *sits down and puts Amelia on his lap* That's not why she left baby. She loves you so much. It was a mistake you didn't mean to hurt her.
Amelia: *puts her head on his chest and cries*
Bryce: *kisses her head and rubs her back* it's okay.
Amelia: *after a while she finally falls asleep*
Bryce: *carefully picks her up and takes her to her room to lay her down*

Bryce carefully shuts the door and heads downstairs and tries to find something out on where Addison is and he is not giving up on finding her and bringing her back safely.

Hope you guys liked this chapter. It's a little bit shorter than my other ones but I promise you will get a double update when I post next. But what will happen to Addison? When will she be saved?

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