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Addison is still living in New York where she gave birth to her son Aiden Daniel Rae now who is five years old. They currently live in a penthouse and since she left California she has not talked or contacted Bryce or heard from him. It is devastating knowing she's not with her loved ones but Addison knows it was the right thing to do. Addison is making Aiden's lunch for school while he's getting ready upstairs.

Addison: Aiden baby! We have to go.
Aiden: Coming mommy! *runs down the stairs with his backpack on his back*
Addison: *gives him his lunch* You ready to go?
Aiden: Yeah.

Addison and Aiden walk out of the penthouse and she puts him in the car and she takes him to school which is a few minutes away from their home. Addison parks in front of the school to drop of Aiden.

Addison: Have a good day at school baby. I'll see you after school.
Aiden: Bye mommy I love you.
Addison: I love you too.

Aiden gets out of the car and walks inside the school. Addison watches him go into the school before driving off heading back to the penthouse. She parks in the driveway and gets out locking her car while heading inside. She gets a phone call after putting her car keys down.

(On The Phone)
Addison: Hello.
Ben: Hey babe, I'm on my way to your place right now.
Addison: Great, I'll see you then.
Ben: I'll be there in ten, I love you.
Addison: Love you too.

(End Of The Phone Call)

She takes off her coat and hangs it back in the closet and she makes sure to clean up a little bit before Ben gets there.

Ten Minutes Later:

The doorbell rings and Addison goes to answer it and it's Ben.

Ben: Hey baby. I missed you. *he's been gone traveling for work*
Addison: I missed you too so much.
Ben: *kisses her and picks her up*
Addison: *kisses back and wraps her arms around his neck*
Ben: *walks inside and kicks the door closed while kissing her*
Addison: *kissing back*
Ben: *puts Addison on the bed* God how much I missed you.
Addison: Why don't you show me how much you missed me?
Ben: Most definitely my love *smirks*

Ben and Addison get lost in between the sheets for quite some time showing each other how much they missed each other.

(Hours Later)

Addison: Baby, we have to go pick Aiden from school.
Ben: *licking Addison's clit* hold on just give me a few minutes I'll be making you cum again for me.
Addison: *moans*
Ben: *licking her clit and hands a finger inside her*
Addison: fuck. *runs her fingers through his hair*
Ben: Cum for me baby cum for daddy.
Addison: *moaning and feels her release coming soon*
Ben: *licks it all up* delicious *licks his lips*
Addison: I'm glad we had our fun with just the two of us.
Ben: Me too. *smiles*
Addison: Let's go pick up Aiden.

Addison and Ben get up and gets ready to pick up Aiden. Addison puts her hair in a ponytail while Ben changed and fixed his hair. They put their sheets and blanket in the washer before they headed out and picked up Aiden.

After a while they see Aiden and he runs to Addison and Ben.

Aiden: Daddy!
Ben: Hi buddy.
Aiden: I missed you.
Ben: I missed you more.
Aiden: Can we get ice cream?
Addison: Of course come on.

They head to the nearest ice cream shop and Ben had adopted Aiden when he was three so ever since then Aiden had been calling Ben dad. They enjoy their family time together while eating their ice cream. Addison looks over to Ben and Aiden and thinks they are my everything and can live happily ever after together. Addison wouldn't want it any other way.

(With Bryce)
Bryce still lives in California and he moved out of the house he was living in because it brought back so many memories with Addison. He couldn't believe that she left them again but he wasn't going to waste his time on finding her when she was the one who was unhappy. They know have a nice house in Beverly Hills. Amelia is now eight years old and she is a daddy's girl. She knows what Addison did left her and Bryce when she was three and for that, she never wants to see Addison or speak to her again. She will never forgive her mom for what she did. All she knows is that her dad has always been there for her no matter what.

Bryce is currently single at the moment and hasn't had a girlfriend at all. He doesn't care that he doesn't have a woman in his life. All he needs is his amazing daughter Amelia. She completes his life and makes him a better man and the one who makes him happy.

Amelia: *on the swing* Dad! Come push me higher.
Bryce: Coming baby! *puts his phone in his pocket and goes to push her higher*
Amelia: *holding on and giggling*
Bryce: *pushing her on the swing and smiles*
Amelia: Thank you for being the best daddy in the world! I love you.
Bryce: Anything for you sweetheart. Daddy loves you so much. You are special to me and the only girl I need in my life. *smiles*
Amelia: I just wish I had a mommy who loved me.
Bryce: I know sweetheart, but let's not bring that up.
Amelia: I'm hungry.
Bryce: Let's go get some pizza!
Amelia: Yay!

Bryce picks Amelia up and walks to the car and Amelia brings so much joy in Bryce's life and he can't see his life without Amelia in it. They have the best bond ever and will always be like that no matter what. Bryce will always make Amelia happy and will be the best father to her as possible.


Hope you guys liked this last chapter. Thank you guys for staying along this journey and reading this story. I had so much fun writing each chapter even though it's been emotional. I'm so grateful to everyone who has read this story. Go check out my other stories and I might have a new story coming out soon! 🤍

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