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Addison and Bryce are in bed together cuddling while Amelia was still napping in her room. Addison was playing with Bryce's hair while Bryce's head was on Addison's chest.

Addison: I'm sorry about earlier.
Bryce: Sorry for what?
Addison: For thinking I needed to look for a place to live and making you believe that I wasn't still in love with you.
Bryce: It's okay, I just hope you and Amelia are going to stay here this is our home.
Addison: Of course we'll stay here with you.
Bryce: Great *smiles*
Addison: Also, you don't have to worry about me doing anything dumb as I did earlier. How much did Amelia hate me?
Bryce: She doesn't hate you she just missed her mom and cried a lot while you were gone.
Addison: I feel bad that I almost left her without her growing up without a mom *cries*
Bryce: Hey, it's okay you're still here with us you don't have to feel bad. You didn't kill yourself we all go through that stage at some point in our lives. But I and Amelia need you.
Addison: *nods and still having tears*
Bryce: No more crying. *wipes her tears with her thumbs*
Addison: I can't.
Bryce: Why not?
Addison: *sits up carefully and pulls up her shirt revealing her bruise*
Bryce: Addison, what happened who did this to you?
Addison: It was Sean, I ran into him leaving the store and he wanted to know why I left and I told him that I knew everything and he called me a bitch and called Amelia stupid while calling you toxic. That's when he slapped me and punched me in the face that's why I wanted to end my life *cries more*
Bryce: Oh, I'm so sorry baby. You're safe now *hugs her*
Addison: *cuddles up to him while some tears go on his shirt*
Bryce: *kisses her head*
Addison: *cries a little longer until she ends up falling asleep*
Bryce: *holds her while she sleeps*

After about fifteen minutes Amelia runs into their bedroom and jumps on the bed and realizes that Addison was home and she had jumped on Addison to wake her up.

Addison: *wakes up* oww sweetie.
Amelia: I'm sorry *sad*
Addison: It's okay. I know you were sad that I left but I'm back and we are going to stay here permanently with dad.
Amelia: Really? We get to live here with daddy?
Addison: Yes we are.
Amelia: *smiles and lays on Addison* I was sad you left earlier.
Addison: I know baby but I'm not going anywhere you and your dad are my everything. I love you guys so much.
Amelia: Daddy loves you too. When you were with Sean and I was with daddy here on the weekends he would always say how much he loved you.
Addison: Oh, is that so.
Amelia: Yeah, and he said that he missed you.
Addison: I missed him too with my whole heart. But guess what?
Amelia: What?
Addison: Our family is back together.
Amelia: Yay! *smiles*
Addison: *smiles*

Bryce's POV:
I was pretending I was still sleeping even though I had woken up when Addison had said ow after Amelia jumped on her. I didn't want them to know I was awake because I wanted to hear their conversation and of course Amelia told her what I told her about Addison. I was happy that Addison said that she missed me too while she was in Louisiana and when they moved back here in California.

Addison: Come on sweetie let's go make lunch and let daddy sleep more.
Amelia: Okay.
Addison: *gets up picks up Amelia to carry her and heads downstairs with her*
Bryce: *going to wait to get out of bed so Addison doesn't think he was awake this entire time*

Addison heads into the kitchen with Amelia and starts to make lunch for all of them. By the time lunch was ready Bryce had come downstairs to the kitchen.

Bryce: Hey guys.
Amelia: Hi daddy, I helped mommy make lunch.
Bryce: Oh, you did. Thank you sweetheart *kisses Amelia's head*
Addison: Oh, I see so no kiss for me. *pouts*
Amelia: You made mommy sad. *goes to sit at the table and eats her lunch*
Addison: *grabs a water bottle from the fridge*
Bryce: *hugs her from behind*
Addison: What?
Bryce: Aw, does somebody need a kiss?
Addison: I would have liked one

Bryce turns her around and kisses her passionately for a few minutes. Addison smiles after the kiss and they go and eat their lunch with their beautiful daughter.

Addison: I'm going to announce on my Instagram that me and Sean broke up.
Bryce: Are you sure that you are ready?
Addison: Yes, I'm ready to leave that life behind me and start this new life with you and our beautiful daughter.
Bryce: I like the sound of that. *smiles and kisses Addison's hand*

Hope you guys liked this chapter. It's a cute little chapter for you guys.

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