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It's morning and Bryce is at home making some breakfast for him and Amelia but he's wondering when Addison will be home. Even though he's mad at her for what she told him he still gets worried about her no matter what. Amelia is still sleeping upstairs. Bryce checked his phone to see if he had any missed calls but he doesn't. Bryce starts to make breakfast.

(Meanwhile with Addison)

Addison wakes up inside her car in the empty parking lot and her body feels uncomfortable from sleeping in her car but she had nowhere to go last night. Addison rubs her eyes and looks out her window to see the parking lot with cars again. She gets out of the car and carries her overnight bag inside the gas station and goes straight to the bathrooms to freshen up. After she's done she leaves the bathroom and pays for a cup of coffee and a donut since she's starving. She heads back to her car and leaves the parking lot. While she's driving a few streets down she hears police sirens behind her and she pulls over to the side of the road and stops while the policeman parks right behind her. Addison rolls down her window.

Police: Hello, do you know why I pulled you over?
Addison: No, I'm sorry. Was I spending?
Police: No, that was not the problem I got a phone call saying they say you a couple of blocks down with a weapon and threatening somebody's life.
Addison: Officer that is not true. That wasn't me. I didn't do anything wrong.
Police: I need you to step out of your vehicle.
Addison: *sighs and unbuckles her seatbelt and gets out of the car*
Police: Turn around and put your hands on your car.
Addison: *does what he says*
Police: *searches her and when he got to her ass he enjoys it and focuses more on her ass*
Addison: I don't have a weapon, sir.
Police: *pats her back up and stops at her boobs to feel them* You're good.
Addison: *feels disgusted knowing he's enjoying this*
Police: I'm just going to check your car.
Addison: Okay.
Police: *searches her car and finds a gun in her back seat* what's this? *shows her*
Addison: That's not mine. I promise somebody planted it I swear.
Police: I'm going to have to take you down to the station.

The officer puts cuffs on Addison and puts her inside the cop car and closes the door. He gets back into the car and drives off. Addison can't believe this is happening to her and she doesn't know who would do this to her. He drives somewhat far but the thing is that he's not taking her to the police station because he's working with Sean which is her ex. After a while, they get to their destination.

Addison: Officer, this is not the police station where are we?
Officer: *laughs* Well sweetie, I'm not a real cop, I just pretend I am.

He gets out of the car and gets her out the car and takes her inside this abandoned house while he's holding onto her arm. He pushes her towards the wall and takes the cuffs off her but ties her up against a pole.

Addison: Why are you doing this to me?
Guy: Well sweetie, I can't tell you that I'm not the boss.
Addison: You're working for somebody?
Guy: Yep. I just follow the instructions I get.
Addison: You're pathetic.
Guy: I suggest you be on your best behavior or there will be consequences. *touches her boobs*
Addison: You're sick.
Guy: *lifts her shirt and touches her boobs, even more,* Damn I'm going to have fun with you. *licks his lips*

Back with Bryce.

Amelia is eating breakfast with Bryce and she keeps asking where Addison is and Bryce doesn't know what to tell her since he hasn't heard from her and she hasn't come back. He's extra worried now because Addison's parents called him saying she never showed up at their house because Bryce had texted them asking if Addison had left yet. Amelia finishes her food and Bryce tells her to go play and while Bryce just sits there thinking of where Addison could be.

Hope you guys liked this chapter. Who would want Addison in any harm? Will she be okay? Sean is coming back 🙄 and he wants his revenge.

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