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TikTokroom: Addison and Bryce has officially announced that they are dating! They were seen out and about today after they announced they are a couple

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TikTokroom: Addison and Bryce has officially announced that they are dating! They were seen out and about today after they announced they are a couple. What's ur thoughts about this couple?
Brycehall: das my baby
Addison: baby ^^
Madi: Finally 🤪
Sheri: I'm so happy that my daughter found somebody that makes her happy!
Blake: Simps
Braddison: My favorite people 😍
Braddisonupdates: I'm so happy for them I've been waiting for this for months.
Hater: Dislike them so much they are both so disgusting and ugly.
user123: We already knew they were a couple before they even announced this announcement.
Lucas: My sister has a boyfriend 😳
Addison: LOL ^^
Monty: Can't wait to meet him when we go to LA next week.
Addison: See you guys next week ☺️ ^^
Addisonlover: I cried happy tears
Lisa: I can't believe my son has a girlfriend now but I'm happy for them.
Elle: Bryce will be mine again
Addison_source: I invest in this relationship so much that I hope I get a boyfriend like Bryce.
Imkevinwong: New video coming out with Addison and Bryce talking about their relationship. I spotted them out.
Braddisonforever: leave them alone they deserve privacy when they go out in public ^^
Addison: The only paparazzi guy that I don't like 🤭.
Addison and Bryce are leaving the restaurant they ate at and they get mobbed by fans and the paparazzi.
Paparazzi: Addison & Bryce!
Addison: *ignores the paparazzi and so does Bryce*
Bryce: *holds onto Addison closely and tries to get out of the crowd to leave*
Paparazzi: How does it feel to have your relationship out to the public?
Addison: it's great but we really have to go.
Bryce and Addison finally gets out of the crowd and gets into the car and drives away.

Hope you guys liked this chapter! I'm not sure if you guys are still liking this story but I hope you do!

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