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Addisonraee: That's my baby 😘 Ps

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Addisonraee: That's my baby 😘
Ps. New YouTube video of me and Bryce!
Addison liked Amelie's comment.
Sheri: cuties ❤️
Addison liked Sheri's comment.
Nickbean: They're back and better than ever 🔥
officialjrod: Best couple 👀
Kristen_i: hottest couple!!
Addison liked Nick Jrod and Kristen's comments.
Brycehall: Wow I'm lucky 😫
Addison liked Bryce's comment.
Addison: ❤️ ^^
Lucas: I'm happy for you hope to meet him soon!
Addison liked Lucas's comment.
Addison: I promise you will get to meet him soon. ^^
Braddison: OMG best day ever 😱
Addison liked Braddison's comment.
Braddisonupdates: I'm sorry but you guys weren't good at hiding that you guys were dating.
Addison: We did suck at it but some people did believe we were friends though. ^^
Tiktokroom: Congrats to you both.
Addison liked TikTokroom's comment.
Tiktokinsiders: 👀
Kourtney: I'm so happy for the both of you guys!
Addison liked Kourtney's comment.
Bryceshallsmom: He picked a great girl I'm glad you make him happy.
Addison liked Bryceshallsmom's comment.
Addison: Thank you! He's the sweetest person ever. ^^

(Addison has followed Bryceshallsmom)
(Lisa has followed back Addison)

Addison & Bryce are together at Addison's apartment.

Bryce: Well that's it the world knows about us.
Addison: Yeah they do there's no more hiding our relationship.
Bryce: *moves her hair out of her face* Now I can show off to the world on how hot you are.
Addison: *smiles and starts to blush a little bit and tries to hide her face*
Bryce: You look cute when you blush baby *kisses her cheek*
Addison: If you didn't compliment me on how I look every second of the day I wouldn't be blushing all the time.
Bryce: I can't promise anything but I love when you blush and I love you.
Addison: I love you more.

Let me know on how you liked this chapter. ❤️ Hope you guys have been liking each chapter.

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